Multidimensional Reiki Certification Training - Advanced Reiki Classes & Reiki Booster Packs

1st, 2nd, 3rd, Degrees

To set up a training date: or 250-880-3330

*We will pick the perfect time that works for both our schedules*

'All Trainings Held @ The Star Temple :: 5D Professional Space’

Max 3 Attendees Per Class = Keeps The Stellar Focus On You + Creates A High Vibrational Class

~ In-Person or Live Online ~

Reiki 1st-2nd-3rd Degree (A&B) In-Person Certification Training Courses:
Teachings of The Usui System of Natural Healing & how to administer-channel-be a divine vehicle for Universal Life Force Energy. During all 3 Degrees the student receives the sacred attunements which connect you to the Reiki Source & prepares the body to hold an increased amount Universal Life Force Energy + to work with/decode the Reiki symbols. This interstellar healing modality is with you for this lifetime & will set you up to become a Reiki practitioner upon completion of all 3 Degrees. *If you complete all 3 Degrees & create/teach all 3 courses then you qualify to be a Reiki Master/Teacher.

1st Degree ($444): Overview of the history of Reiki & your lineage, what are the benefits of Reiki as metaphysical healing tool, learning the the original 21 Reiki hand positions (+ more) & a deep dive into the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, healing properties associated with each hand position, the mechanics (+ how to administer) Universal Life Force Energy & become a conductor of this powerful energy source, how to give a full spectrum frequency treatments on others, receive a Reiki treatment, stellar methods to increase the current of energy running through you, how to do administer Reiki on yourself for radical self can, complete run down of in-person Reiki group treatments/Reiki healing teams, integrating the 'Stillpoint Acupressure' technique, receiving the '4 Sacred Reiki Attunements', hand outs :: certificate. *1 Day (8hrs) + Homework

2nd Degree ($555): Working with & using 3 Reiki Symbols, cleansing/programming crystals, distance healing (+surrogate), locational healing (ie: body of water or global event), group distance healing (+mandala effects), 2 sacred Reiki attunements, treatments on animals, pendulum work, holography & the holographic universe, how to cleanse spaces with Reiki (geomancy), hand outs, certificate. *1 Day (8hrs) + Homework

*Prerequisite: Reiki 1st Degree*

3rd Degree (A&B) ($666): 1 additional Reiki Symbol & its use, 2 sacred Reiki master attunements, how to give attunements, aura scanning, higher-self, lightbody, breath of fire, etheric double, how to set up a healing space, advanced techniques, merkaba, oversoul, the realms of multi-dimensional awakenings, hara line/core star, higher frequency chakras, sacred geometry, 12-strand DNA, how Reiki combines with other healing tools/modalities, 3 - 30mins distance healings sessions (the week before training) from myself, hand outs + certificate. *2 Days (6hrs Each) + Homework :: Prerequisite:

*Prerequisite: Reiki 1st & 2nd Degrees*

$1444 for all 3 Degrees, if purchased in advance, all at once!

Reiki 1st/2nd/3rd Degree Booster Packs (2hrs, $255 each), Ultra intensives focusing on advanced Reiki techniques or dive deep to review anything in your training or Reiki attunement tune ups or you pick the Reiki subject-focus we will be working on.

*Dates for Reiki trainings are booked 'on-going basis' so please reach out & we will look at our schedules to create the perfect quantum time that works for both of us*

*In-person or (distance) online*

Advanced-Revisitation of Reiki 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree Classes

Advanced-Revisitation of Reiki 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree Classes are stellar way for Reiki practitioners, Reiki Master Teachers & those who use Reiki as their spiritual practice to take this modality to an elevated frequency. If anyone has had distorted, incomplete trainings/attunements this is the perfect opportunity to mend the loose ends & get some deeper advanced sacred medicines into your practice.

If you completed any of the 3 Reiki Degrees (prerequisite) & are ready to dive deeper into your practice you will receive: total full spectrum revisions (including a copy of the handouts), advanced techniques + higher octave multidimensional teachings, reiki attunement tune ups, case studies, elevated mechanics on how to work with Universal Life Force Energy (+ its galactic properties) & receive private 1 on 1 teachings (you have me solo for the entire course). To top it all off, 1 week before each class send me a list of what you want to focus on & I will integrate the top selections into the class. Reiki 3rd Degree (only) - receive a copy of a high octave energy healing book.

We will make sure that you get some interstellar time, to accelerate further into the multi-dimensional realms, supremely refine your craft, elevate your knowledge into the finer vortex of the mechanics of Universal Life Force Energy & the next octave of offering Reiki treatments.

{Each Avanced-Revisitation Degree comes with a new certificate, to document that you completed the advanced course}

**1st Degree ($666, 1 Day - 8hrs), 2nd Degree ($777, 1 Day - 8hrs), 3rd Degree ($888, 2 Days - 6hrs Each)**

~ Advanced Revisitation Classes: you can only sign up for the degree(s) that you are currently certified in ~

ie: Reiki 1st Degree = access to Advanced Reiki 1st Degree ect.

*Dates for Reiki trainings are booked 'on-going basis' so please reach out & we will look at our schedules to create the perfect quantum time that works for both of us*

*In-person or (distance) online*

Reiki 1st/2nd/3rd Degree Booster Packs

Are you requiring more galactic wisdoms & information to expand your Reiki practice or modality? No matter what degree of Reiki attunements/certification training you have received, these are high-octave power ups for deeper advanced exploration of the Reiki & Universal Life Force Energy teachings.

These ultra-intensives could be focused on advanced Reiki techniques, mastering the use of Reiki symbols (must have at least 2nd Degree Certification) or answering any of the questions that may have arisen since getting the Reiki attunements or dive deep to review anything in your training or tune ups or you pick the Reiki subject-focus we will be working on.

Want to know even more about how to create finer octaves of orchestrating universal life force energy, how to add multidimensional elements into the sessions, perhaps a refresher of how offer attunements (must have 3rd Degree Certification), how you can merge Reiki with other metaphysical modalities or even an in-depth look into how set up a divine sacred healing space for taking in Reiki clients/your own personal cosmic spiritual room.

If it has anything to do with the multi-verse of Reiki, I got you covered!
~ $255 2hrs ~

(full payment in advance) (for more information/bookings)

*In-person or (distance) online*

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