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‘When Hands Make Contact With The Body: The Soul Speaks’ :: Dec 14th ‘2024
When a sentient being or luminous practitioner is fully tuned in & operating from the zero point fields, then gently lays it's hands upon their body or the body of another: the soul begins to speak.
Transmissions/messaging come up from the akashic records & the oversoul complex. Detailed informational light encoded packets of wisdoms rise up to the surface. This is sacred information about where we at in the quantum now + how we got to this point of attention.
Items that require healing at this time or emotions that have been buried. The hands link into the essence self via the soul complex & the subconscious realms become activated. Visualizations arise to form vignettes of our sacred journey. Sensations of what has been buried or makes us pulse in a multidimensional way begin to oscillate into the conscious mind.
The hands open the field to the multidimensional self, while the universal life force energy coming off the hands send a relay grid to the crystalline operating system of anyone it touches including the animal kingdoms & the telluric nature realms.
This show us or the lightworker key elements running through the mind, where imbalances are located, what chakras are extra alive in this moment & where difficulties or challenges are taking place with photonic key codes for how to work through them. The hands connect through the etheric layers of reality, seeking to not only be a catalyst for healing, but also for scrying deep into the multiverse of the individual involved.
As the soul speaks, countless lifetimes present themselves, as well as skill sets brought into this existence. Telepathically as we tune in deeper by the act of field coupling & concentrate by just observing what is being presented, then all sorts of extra sensory communication finds it's way to be seen, heard & processed
What an amazing tool our hands are to decode reality, feel the cellular networks & assist our celestial journey through endless dimensions. This is why when an advanced energetic healing practitioner places their hands on a physical vessel, galactic messages come forth!
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Dec 2024
:: Sun in Sagittarius - 12/12 Gateway - Alignment With The Galactic Center ::
We launch December into high gear with a New Moon in Sagittarius & there is going a to be a big pull not to attach ourselves to outcomes. Letting it all play organically will ensure that we are not colorizing or fixating on the results far in advance. Not only does it take away the natural flow of in the moment living, it can cause unnecessary mental chatter that may even keep us up at night or come from a manipulative place in time. Narrowing our scopes will be key during this lunation so we can put our cosmic focus on what undertakings we can actually see ourselves following through with to completion. Another major zone during the New Moon In Sagittarius is consistently reminding the self on what makes us feel discouraged so we take a closer look as to why, make the required shifts then be more aware of what obstacle we may face. By ignoring them or pushing them aside or not being conscious of them will not allow us to see how reality may knock us down. Most of the quantum time, it's our divine creations that causes this sensation in the hue-man vessel.
Sagittarius season can be quite an interstellar, exhilarating, fantastical ride, that is fueled by star schools, philosophical refinement & higher frequency learning. It's no coincidence that there is extra doses of travelling during the winter solstice break. We may feel the urge to be more alive in this now, as we want to learn, explore & dive deep into self awareness. A major sense of expansion will permeate this month & with all the additional frequencies some may find it more challenging to work through the increase of photonic waves. This is all about thinking big, watching elements of reality expand & making sure we don't get lost in all the gluttony (especially food) that comes with this season of potentials of over consumption. Point your arrow straight into the stars, which pushes us to try something new & fresh that is beyond our current boundaries. The only limitation we place are on ourselves, is create by us. Move beyond limitation & call in the multidimensional abundance to make it happen. The universe is listening.
The 12/12 gateway in the middle of the December is ripe with advanced lightcodes & fresh frequency templates are ready to be installed into our being. These templates of ascension are encoded to work directly with our 12 strand DNA. This is a portal of acceleration. To get the most out of it, we individually need to call in the templates or be conscious of the 12/12 gateway as it arrives. Each of us will have a unique blend of full spectrum healing to move through as no 2 pathways are the same. This is an energetic time gate that opens up the field of the multidimensional self. If you are working with animal spirit guides, archangels, ascended masters, the amount of transmission, encounters ect may increase. This is going to be a launch pad into the winter solstice & with it comes transmutation + the stimulation of our plasma body.
Around Dec 18-20th we are going to be linked directly to the galactic center + powered up with the arrival of the winter solstice. Spiritual downloads will be bathing Earth at that time. Things are going to feel electric & otherworldly, as the energies of other galaxies will mix into our vibrational fields. This is a divine calling to think universally, taking our mind & heart away from the the small pod of reality we live in, so we can swim with the stardust once again. This alignment is the raw universal life force energy from the cosmos, that fuels our realities. Feel it in your core & just let it pass through you, as it will be in the coming weeks after that the information will become tactile or translated down in the 3rd plane of existence. We may have sudden realizations at this time. Pay close attention to what finds our psyche. As the winter solstice asks us to reflect on what took place during this past solar year, it also invites us remember to take moments of rest, nurturance for our inner realms & plenty of yin time to balance out the outward go, go, go that this month may request of us.
‘Holography & Holographic Frequency Healing’ :: Nov 20th 2024
The incarnational multiverse is a giant fractal, where everything is interconnected. It's a living hologram that is hyper alive. This is why when something happens on Terra (Earth)in regards to consciousness, frequencies & healing, it affects not only this planet, but the local solar system & this region of the galaxy on a multidimensional axis,
If we take a micro dive, all the way down to an individual experiencing an energy healing session the same aspects apply. As one cell in the body experiences a profound shift, then it's vibrational polarity in another part of the hue-man vessel gets affected as well. During a healing session on a treatment table, lets say the practitioner gently places their hands on the feet of the client & after the session they report feeling something that shifted at that moment in the left shoulder. This showcases the dynamics that is at play here. Perhaps it was an extraordinary vessel that was engaged or a part of the body was compensating for physical discomforts or deep healing in the feet (perhaps creating new roots) took a journey to the solar plexus area so it could heal the aspects that are governing why this emotional/mental blockage or resistance is happening (perhaps childhood programing).
As we remove one piece of the hologram we still have the whole of creation in each piece. Time, space, distance is not bound by holography, as it lives in the quantum field. This is how long distance healing works. As the being(s) sending the transmissions out in the field of existence are engaged in long distance healing, it only takes a nano-second for it to arrive into its destination or the length of a practitioner/gathering of people to tune in. For each avatar (persons) that join in, the healing frequencies double. Just imagine how much healing we could offer to the entire planet & all sentient creatures if we joined our consciousness more often without spiritual bypassing=by being raw, cosmic & authentic = without hidden agendas.
When a cranial sacral practitioner engages with the body, they tend to do very little hand positions & focus mostly on tapping into the nervous system of the individual so the healing can come forth, as they act as a light-rod to hold the sacred container. Most of it is done via the head & feet, yet we can feel profound changes on a cellular level all throughout our being. Incredible!
However this does not stop here in the realms of frequency healing as the physical contact from the facilitator of frequency healing is only the beginning. Often the emotional components get linked, the subconscious rises up, visualizations appear, other timelines come into play, negative implants removed, etheric metaphysical parts upgraded or astral aspects take us on a soul journey into our complete identity, patterns come up to be shifted, blockages dissolved or even spirit guides join into the mix cause they feel the calling from our star particles.
All of this is interconnected. There is rarely only a single area that is worked upon during a healing treatment. All systems are connected in the web that is incarnational life. Holographic frequency healing moves through all system, subtle bodies & the hue-man energy field to create harmonic resonance once again. In some cases regeneration happens on a physical level & how could it mutate into a crystalline form if it was not made of plasma on some level. We may regenerate/heal our spine that was curved, then realize after that our 7 base chakra centers feel different & upgraded after. It's amazing to witness this happen.
Another powerful feature is how when we do frequency healing & reach a new baseline or shift a pattern, then it to shifts in the collective consciousness, heals something on the planet in nature, turns on a sacred site or offer evolution for other planets ect. The quantum time has come to think multidimensionally & realize that everything we do holds a key code to the soul, affects everything arounds & creates our environment on a profound level. As we think/speak we alter our cellular programming & this in turn shifts our outer realms + the spirit worlds respond as well. Colors magnetize, sacred geometry mixes in, supersonic sound comes into play & the field of magnetism pulsates through every fiber of our being, on all planes of existences.
Just know that even if you are working off the body, at the other end of the room you can still affect the cranium region just by focusing the energetics & consciousness to where it needs to go or it it will happen automatically cause energy is alive.
‘Lightcodes’ :: Nov 6th ‘24
Lightcodes are multidimensional pockets of divine energies that take many different forms in the realms of metaphysical energetics.
They are an important component of gateways, portals, ascension processes, awakenings, self awareness openings & superconsciousness. These are light encoded filaments that manifest on occasions as light signatures, sacred symbols or harmonic frequencies ready to open up the fields of the multidimensional self.
The raw essence/energetics of universal life force energies is made up of infinite lightcodes. We as hue-mans can create them when we are tapped into the higher frequency realms as they are emitted from our divine physical vessels. You will know when you are around them as your entire being will feel as sense of sacred waves washing through it. Theses are 144 avatar codes, set to unlock the multiverse all around us. Each individual lightcode is a galactic treasure of wisdom/information waiting to be opened & comes in the perfect time-space sequence in our full spectrum healing journey.
The are awakening codes, the codex of our individual & collective ascension pathways. The photon band creates lightcodes. The Sol system creates lightcodes, the star schools & portal days creates lightcodes while the meta galactic core hosts the raw divine ingredients so these light encoded filaments can manifest. We call them into our realities to clean up our distortions, rewire our patterns that no longer serve us, expand our DNA complex while surfing the cosmic subconscious to heal star karma in our interstellar timelines.
Lightcodes raise the vibratory fields. It illuminates the darkest corners of reality to expose the hidden agendas. They revive the kundalini current in our spinal column so we can be generators of expanded life force. Each lightcode is completely unique, like a snowflake. The can bend time & space while acting as catalysts to make potent lifestyle changes. When a sentient being is receiving a powerful healing session, you can rest assured that lightcodes are in the room. Many beings are able to draw then out so they can then be used on physical object or artistic creations to enrich the potency of its healing capacity or they are seen in the ethereal realms. You may even have transdimensional vying for your souls success to come add additional lightcodes into the mix. If feels like mana in the body, yet it holds the shadow & the light aspects.
These signatures of light energetics travel into our cellular networks for total recalibrations, then the information of what is being sent to them gets translated eventually by the divine mind/central heart field or finds us via akashic records to eventually become a thought, sensation or feeling or dynamic vibrational current that pulses our being into the next octave.
Just because you sometimes you can't see them doesn't mean they are not still made of a special type of light. Call in the lightcodes into your auric field & let the transmissions enter your being. Your hands may animate more, the automatic writing may surface of instant communication may be spoken or linked in with light languages.
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Nov 2024
:: New Moon In Scorpio - 11/11 Gateway - Pluto Enters Aquarius - The Veils Are Thinning ::
November is shaping up to be a most powerful month filled with lots of metaphysical transmissions & interstellar recalibrations. Our 3-6-9 dimensional rod axis (a thick energetic vertical cable that runs through us=head to toe) is in the process of restacking all of the 12 dimensions of incarnational reality for the collective. This stacking is horizontal by nature as dimension 1 is at the bottom of the feet & dimension 12 is a foot above the crown chakra. This is going to open many more of us to our multidimensional selves. The potential for spiritual awakenings is increased as we move closer to Pluto entering Aquarius just after the halfway point this month. November will kick of with a bang as a new moon in Scorpio leads the way.
We may be feeling thing way more passionately than usual, willing to go to ultra extremes. There is a higher potential for increased anxiety in the collective & nothing is held back. Colorizing all of this is that the veils this quantum time of the solar year are at their thinnest. Oct 31st is the apex point & the week before/after are also very potent for all matters of spirit guide communications or for any non physical entities. Be on the lookout for any transdimensionals working for your highest good only or vying for your souls success. They are not only easier to communicate with, but the vibrational presence is much closer. This opens up our field to gather more wisdoms, ask inquiries & to remind us that we are never alone. Psychic surgery will be more prevalent during dreamspace. It's as though we may feel worked on metaphysically while we sleep. If you feel this, then it's happening & great work can be made by welcoming this into our field. If it goes on for many days, or its too much to handle, then request (before sleeping) that it slows down a bit as needed.11/11 gateway portal is an opportunity to allow the diamond & rainbow crystalline templates to enter out being via the cellular + DNA networks. These templates each have 12 stages in them, from introductory to advanced octaves. There is a template for any situation or healing mode we are working on. Call upon these templates to travel from the morphogenetic fields of Earth (Terra) to then enter the ley line & into your divine vessel. The right ones will come at the perfect time & space sequence as needed. Some can even be requested & yet arrive many months or solar years after. The photonic key code is to request them, the they will be on standy. 1111 is powerful numerology that is a divine wake up call to unite our subtle bodies once again & reactivate the finer frequencies within us while becoming a vessel for sacred wisdom + remembering who we are.
Just prior to us entering Sagittarius season on Nov 22nd (where everything is going to be amplified), Pluto enters Aquarius now for 20 years without back-stepping into Capricorn. Scorpio (Pluto rules that sign) is already a 4 week journey to get digging into the deep regions of our soul complex. Now we add its master management planetary body into the mix & all is going to get cosmic wild. The radical transformer wants to step forward & reshape our existence on this planet for much needed recalibrations. Sudden shocks may take place on the stage of world's so called governed systems & how things have been done are ripe for a dismantling. With it also bring technological advancements both in the polarities of extremes: except during this divine time the one's not supporting our highest good will be shown to the collective so we can see through the illusions of matrix & finally get a grip on what technology is causing more disruptions in the hue-man energy field than providing benefits. Sometimes we must decide on what must dissolve & what sacred parts of ourselves have been held back for far to long due to what others may think. The radical self wants to play, in a an upgraded high frequency/harmonic way. Fitting in a mask that is wanting to be dissolved & radical self care is calling!
‘Arcturian High Council - 10th Broadcast’ :: Oct 22nd 2024
The spark of ignition to the process known as alchemical transformation take place when matter is completely re-organized into a fresh vital new spiritual or transmutational molecular form.
It is the key moment when a soul encounters a perfectly picked catalyst or profound experience that then set ups a series of sequences of which the being is launched at an accelerated rate into a new gateway that cannot be ignored.
The physical bio-suit inconjunction with the avatar soul goes through a cosmic opening into the celluar memory, to then turn on the dormant dna needes for bio-regenesis. Many will experience a spiritual or metaphysical revolution for rebuilding a relationship with the missing parts of reality. Without this occuring the majority of incarnational beings at this time would pass through the veil of forgetting that permeates the 1st harmonic universe spinning in repetitive cycles of downscaling.
We then become lost in a matrix of drama and transactions that disconnect our sacred vehicles from the lightbody, subtle ethereal energy fields, the mechanics of quantum ascension and with a void of individual source alignment. Alchemical transformations are powerful awakenings or sudden realizations of awareness that shifts the entire playing field around us to which we leave our old self behind so we can move into the central heart, the central knowing of our true self. No matter how dark or light a radical opening may be, we recommend celebrating its arrival.
This is a marking point that you are advancing to the next level of inner consciousness expansion and whole basket of upgrades are waiting for you to unpack.
‘Golden Ratio :: Fibonacci Sequence’ :: Oct 11th 2024
The Golden Ration :: Fibonacci Sequence is a powerful element in not only the realms of sacred geometry, but in metaphysical frequency healing.
This is a our connection the fractal universe. How all of reality merges into the spiral of creation & a small piece of the hologram makes up the whole universe. It represents cosmic growth, divine evolution & the numerological coding's built into all aspects of the multiverse.
Its a portal to other dimensions. Birth, death & re-birth are interconnected deeply in this sacred geometrix. The shadow aspects & the photonic light are encapsulated into this masterpiece that is you. It reminds us that all will constantly change forms, yet ultimately the stardust will merge back with all of creation.
All is in divine order, all is in balance when taking a larger view of reality from a universal perspective. This is our astral map for spiritual growth, star karma, our oversoul & our soul groups. These golden ratio patterns are embedded into our DNA.
Al of existence lives inside of us, it is in the master blueprints & all the galaxies, dimensions, planes of existence as they merge into a divine fractal of illumination. Sacred geometry of this nature holds a vortex of any size as the Fibonacci Sequence can be visualized or drawn to be as small or a big as you need.
Crystalline Tip: Using it during a frequency healing session allows the universal life force energies to pour into its container & be filled up in a powerful way, so the client/Earthling can swim in advanced healing lightcodes.
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‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Oct 2024
:: Redefining Universal Equilibrium - 12 Strand DNA Plasma - Deep Magnetic Pull ::
October is starting off with a bang. Straight into the next eclipse we go, full tilt without delay. This solar eclipse in Libra is going to be very strong + the 10/10 gateway & with it comes a whole host of divine happenings. We are being stretched at this time to see how well we can multitask without becoming overwhelmed & keeping accuracy + a smooth pace to keep up with this great acceleration. The interesting part is its going to feel very heavy as a magnetic pull, holds us down deep into the Earth. Can we still do what needs to be done, despite everything coming at us from every angle while feeling slower than usual in our movements/mental body.
We are being asked at this time to accelerate our personal development beyond what we are have become comfortable with, even though we seemingly are being pulled from our focus at every turn + for those who have done the divine radical self care work for decades, it's wants us to see that we have still barely scratched the cosmic surface. Spirit wants us to move beyond being stuck in the 3rd dimension. The middle of the Libra scales is the point between spirit & matter, where they meet in balance. This is not the case for the collective at this juncture, so our astral twin harmonics are going to be elevated for most of the month so we can go beyond 3D & begin to heal multidimensional timelines, get in touch with our spirit guides & gather more elevated wisdoms in our dreamspaces.
Walking straight into the shadow aspects is key. As near the end of the month we enter Scorpio season & with Pluto in retrograde during this time, nothing can hide from our collective psyche. The veils will be thinner, the doorways to the spirit realms will open even more, so pack your favorite crystals & lean into them for support along the way.
The 10/10 gateway is gearing up to ignite even further work in the 12 strand dna complex. This prepares it for future lifetimes. Prepping the necessary codex into the societal & individual spheres so when the quantum time is ripe, we can plug into the strands waiting to be reactivated. 1 by 1 the come online. The next octaves of 12D universal dna templates are being installed into the gridwork of Terra (Earth). Feel the frequencies on this day entering you being. Be ready for transformation & follow through with what intuitive downloads come to you. This is galactic clean up time. Our dna is multidimensional & will be shifting/mutating from our consciousness choices for many centuries to come. 10/10 & 10:10 will be activated 2X this day. This kickstarts the bookends for the annual 10/10 to 1/11 vortex. Be bold, be brave & dig deep. Sound healing is one of the most powerful tools for this gateway & all matters of 12 strand dna harmonics.
There may be a fair amount of conflicts resolution going on this month as the realms of Justice are highlighted & all matters of relationships outside of our home space immediate family. Feel the energetics before making any moves in this department. Breathe, witness & delay. Take the time to not overreact & see both sides of the equation. This also includes any turmoil with our inner self. Eclipses hold an incredible amount of vibrational current. This can last for up to 6 months post event. Emotions may run high & the mind can be firing off at all cylinders or we may retreat for a while. Keep the nervous system toned & move any physical frequencies that are itching to come out.
We are being guided to make more conscious leaning/elevated future choices for ourselves & the collective, however if we are to busy socializing or reliant on our friendships/community to be our constant crutch, we may miss the opportunity to experience these celestial ethereal renewal energies that want to move through us to recode our divine operating system, so it can defrag what is no longer needed + offer us energetic support!
‘Higher Heart (Thymus) Chakra’ :: Sept 15th 2024
When universal life force energy is sent to the 'Higher Heart Chakra' (aka: Thymus Chakra) a new form of us is stimulated. One that does not look at immunity that is for just fighting it off, rather its a new form of immunity that is transmuting whatever enters our biological form that is distorted & turns it into a crystalline healing substance. In the previous form we end up not only spending so much energy being in combatant mode & bacterium or invasive frequency substance stays in toxic mode for others to asborb.
The higher heart chakra pulsates with the finer layers of central heart energetics. It propels us to take a deeper looking into what makes our heart sing while offering elevated compassion for the self. It surrounds & expands into our auric field a sense of enhance empathy. At full capacity we radiate loving, powerful communication that sends transcendence lightcodes into the environment around us.
We need this 5th dimensional chakra to open up the inner gateways so the multidimensional energies can be transferred direct through the thymus chakra then into the subtle bodies as it translates/transforms energetics for practical usage. This is the next avenue in chromatherapy. The journey from the emerald heart gridwork (green ray) to the rose/pink ray then onwards to aqua vortex. Our vitality increases & our sense of ethereal peace washes over us with ease.
If the higher heart chakra is out of alignment, has blockages or is not tuned up, then there can be a whole host of challenges. Respiratory issues can surface, immune system dysregulation, overly guarded on an etheric level, fears of the outside world, disconnection from the air element, unable to progress beyond basic spiritual awareness, subconscious negative coding in our cellular networks or feeling malcontent in almost every area of our reality + unable to come into contact with the astral bridge (feels only partially built) & ancestral trauma or pain may run the show.
This is the astral bridge from the central heart to it's 5D companion. A stargate to higher frequencies for reactivation of what it means to be present in the now & fully content as harmonic creativity finds your soul's purpose = unifies them into a resonance factor/common goal.
‘Monthly Energetic Forecast’ :: Sept 2024
:: Build Up Of Energy - Divine Organization - Cosmic Gateways ::
It's eclipse season coming up again. Time to open the gateways to other dimensions as the 1st of 2 bookend eclipses are getting ready to increase the vortex on planet Earth. We are also deep into Virgo season + Pluto just dipped its toes into Capricorn again & after the later half of November it will be in Aquarius for 20 solar years. This will shake the foundation of reality/this paradigm in a powerful way.
This is why we need to get organized to prepare for what is to come. This is one of Virgo's higher octave prime elements it can bring into the mix: seeing a system then putting all the puzzle pieces into a fresh upgraded form or re-organizing something. This can be a storage space or herbal dispensary stock, so tap into your inner Virgo aspects & get going. As the frequencies become stronger with the upcoming eclipse we will want to have everything in order so we can get the most of this transformational timeline.
You will feel the pulse to take a practical approach to all of this, as complicating anything will only make a mess of what is being worked on or delay a much needed healing process. Virgo is all about how we take care of the hue-man vessel. Are we out of sink with what we need energetically? Did we forget to make it powerful but simple in the beginning, so cosmic goals can be easily achieved? Also if we strive for perfection we may become overly fixated on what didn't get done or run away when something is not perfect. Pay attention to details, while making progress the multidimensional agenda. In knowing thyself, make sure to not get lost in it. Our current paradigm is in a much needed overhaul, as its messy, plays on temptations at every turn & milks the human existence to feed its ego negative driven gains. The collective vibrations will be to clean up the messes at our vocations, home environment & in nature.
As the eclipse energy really start ramping up next week, the lightcodes will be bathing the planet in transdimensional energy. 9-D mask transmutation templates are in full swing being installed into the gridwork of Earth at the same time so peeling off the false masks is a big highlight this month. Pressure/tension will be elevated (including higher blood pressure) & we will be challenged to see what kind of integrity we have, especially in the spiritual departments. Once the eclipse is here, our adrenals will be tested. Are we running off synthetic energy or organic sources. There is only so long the physical body can run on synthetic energy before discomforts can settle in. With Pluto in Capricorn happening at the same time in Retrograde, any unfinished business needs to be solidified. This is a golden opportunity to complete projects, self care or deep healing that has been put to the side.
There will be an abundance of alien like energies with this Lunar Eclipse In Pisces. Expect lots otherworldly energies, coupled with vibrations that raise the frequencies & increase the kundalini flow within us. Depth, intuition, seeking that inner voice & spiritual downloads will also come out to play. You may be called to retreat a bit for some creative quantum time to process all that is happening. The mystical effects of an eclipse last up to 6 months & with it being in Pisces this will be an emotional ride filled galactic stardust.
Pull out your aura mists, room sprays & vibrational air conditioners as they will be a fantastic tool for support!
‘Energy Is Amplified During Ascension Cycles’ :: Aug 21st 2024
We are in one of the most potent ascension cycles in the entire quantum history of this fantastical planet, called Earth at this time. During an ascension cycle all of the multidimensional healing energies are magnified to ultra potent levels.
This creates a gateway for individual & collective consciousness to make giant leaps in advancement. In addition anything that we are healing is amplified. For instance, if doing work on past lives, the multidimensional timelines get activated so we can heal all of the incarnation simultaneously. This increase of lightcoded vibrations send ripples through all of our existence to mend any of the distortions that tripped up or had major intense happenings in other lifetimes. Each of these lifetimes has an oversoul with 144 parts, so the effects are grand to say the least.
The universal life force energy that emitted from practitioners is also greatly increased. This opens up even more spiritual messaging/transmission to come into sessions/treatments & it can move a lot more kundalini current through our 5th dimensional chakra systems. When we are not in an ascension cycle & consciousness is spinning endlessly downgrading, then when we are healing for instance blockages or emotions, then only a couple may surface at once. When the photon band is activated then we can heal larger amounts (or groupings) at once & have the frequencies running through our being to make things a bit easier to work through the distortions.
This Age of Aquarius facilitates not just healing a portion of our auric field at a time, but the entire structure & all of it's 7 layers + the outer shell. All the dimensions come out to play, while linking us into the collective at large so we can journey to superconsciousness. Ascension cycles extra nudge us to pull in all the healing frequencies for top to bottom recalibrations. This simulcast drives the vibrations to re-install a new operating system, upgrade our metaphysical parts & overlay all of the New Earth 12-D templates at the same time.
Galactic healing takes time, however in the previous ages, it was very slow. If we can take advantage of reaching our 5th dimensional goal as a complete fractal society, then the next ages to follow will not feel as dense. This is the great quantum quickening. It sends ethereal energetics into the bloodlines, installs the neutral implant, transmutes star karma while long distance healing become even more robust. This amplified energy wants to bring all the systems into harmonic wholeness, where all the pieces are used together.
This increase of electrical astral voltage, removes negative entities, powers up the prana that we breathe, creates powerful gains in healing the physical body & shows us the places in our civilization that are running on old outdates energetics that do not serve our highest good + illuminate all the illusion (which there is endless amounts at this point in time). When universal life force is applied to the body or enters the planet in a greater capacity, then our subconscious from all planes of existences is being investigated, dreamspace becomes more vibrant & all the 11 subtle bodies come forth to power up our extra sensory activity + supernatural abilities. The nervous system plays a massive role in full spectrum healing.
For those that do the real authentic work, then there is far less dis-ease or discomforts. For the polarity (which is amplified at this time), then the book of discomforts will only increase for the collective. During this time we can heal all of this neck of the Milky Way Galaxy, all dimensions, parallel Earth, Tara, Gaia & fuse with the spirit realm once again. When we do the healing work, this solar system upgrades with us.
The magnet for manifesting is speeding up & becoming stronger. 2017 - 2023 is the peak of this ascension cycle, however it is so amplified that the effects will keep lasting in a very potent way for hundreds of linear Earth solar years. If hue-man in avatar form can make this leap by doing the work, 1 being at a time, then we can create a vortex that feels even stronger than this 2017-2023 peak.
We are just getting started & energy can travel farther, in greater capacity + is more potent than ever before. Enjoy this quantum now, we need all the lightworkers we can get. There is record amounts of awakenings & this is an important reason why. Be prepared for far more spiritual downloads to enter our psyche, we are just getting started.
‘Aquarius Full Moon Energetic’ :: Aug 18th ‘24
As we work through the layers of multidimensional healing, our spirit calls in the energetics for 'Clean up Time. This is perfect divine timing with the upcoming full moon in Aquarius (Aug 19th '24).
Sifting through our reality top to bottom so we can clean out any outdated thoughts, methods of being & attitudes. We may be feeling the urge to upgrade technology or releasing material objects that no longer serve us. Why are we holding on to something that is just taking up space, possibly does not serve us, we don't use it all or cannot let go of due to nostalgic old world feelings?
Aquarius is about the collective & you as a sacred individual within this crystalline mix. Remembering that all of our actions affect the whole (society at large.) in both positive & negative ways.
Other master focuses for this Aquarian full moon is embracing what make us unique (working through any uncomfortable feelings or why we hold ourselves back), seeking emotional freedom in arenas we are held back by others/environment & areas we may feel insecure may rise to the surface.
Progress is the name of the sacred game, at this point in time. The galactic pulse is keep moving forward rather than running is circles of limited self awareness, not actually completing areas of self healing that have been worked on for a long time or finally changing the societal systems that are broken into a new cosmic elevate form. This mirrors your inner departments & so the goal for this full moon is to clean house in areas you can control.
Frequency will be bathing the planet during this supermoon. Non conformity needs to be looked at very closely. This is what keeps us from becoming just another robot in the heard the mainstream waves. When we conform we become easily controlled with our emotions, actions, feelings & mental activities due to wanting to fit in. Did you know you actually fit it more when you are your full radiant self! Al the baggage is left behind. The worries vanish & you are just you, without any attention seeking.
We have a T Square major aspect joining into the mix, so emotional reactivity is heightened & coupled with a Leo Sun who wants to be noticed, seen + appreciated for what it does. If the ego is in check this can facilitate some much needed ethereal playfulness. When did we forget to be just flat our goofy & original without it coming from pop culture. Originality is a photonic key code at this time.
Sudden events may occur in our realms, so be ready for the potential revolutionary to come forth. Electrical currents & lightcodes will running higher than usual + stirrings in our starseed DNA.
By ignoring these items, it can cause more discomforts than if we face them head on. This 'cleaning of house' or 'clean up time' want to discard the debris & reorganize all of our prime bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) so everything is cleansed, tidy & easy to locate when a tool is needed. Clothing holds a vibration, food holds a vibration, cleaning supplies hold a vibration, visualizations hold a vibration, chemical hold a vibration: do you want low distorted vibrations or high vibrational ones? This affects our auric field, goes through the skin to the cellular networks while influencing our organs, blood, hormones & more.
Aquarius loves radical self care & if a new pathway or healing modality surfaces during this full moon, then this is a gift from spirit. Take notice in a big conscious way!
If you are an authentic lightworker in any capacity, bio-dynamic foods may feel like they are buzzing more than usual & that only a few bites takes you to another dimension while increasing the vibrational current tenfold. The 12D clean house templates are being installed into the gridwork of Terra (Earth), the fantastical ride continues & get ready for more ultra violet rays to cocoon this majestic celestial body.
‘Star Tetrahedron’ :: Aug 15th 2024
The star tetrahedron plays an important role in the sacred geometrics of our being. This is our spin factor, the great magnet/magnifier that sends electrical signals out into the cosmos. Our outer environment then responds, shifts & mutates based on our current vibrational templates.
Governing our gravitational fields, this 15th dimensional creation, hold a piece of us in every dimension that makes up this 5 harmonic universe. There is colors & strips that get encoded/overlaid on to it so it can tell other entities in the spirit realm what we have accomplished while incarnating.
The Earth also has a giant merkaba. As individuals, the work we do to restore this quantum mechanical feature, sends waves of energetics out to to the collective & merges with the planetary star tetrahedron. There is 3 stages to the merkaba (inner, soul & monadic). Using this metaphysical tool by visualizing/feeling it during meditations, frequency healing sessions or while doing deep inner work can enhance our experiences.
If we feel sluggish, slow or lethargic the star tetrahedron can be a catalyst for finding the polarity balance. It increases spiritual downloads, opens our extra sensory perception centers & simultaneously recalibrates the auric field with the 7 base chakras. The stronger our merbaka is, then our capacity to heal increases. We feel lighter, have a multidimensional shield & we stand in our divine central power.
It links to our crystalline 12 strand dna & pulsates with the lightbody. The merbaka wants all dense living to vacate our being, focused on elevated living, galactic confidence, cleansing of the shadow realms & increase the amount of universal life force energy that can pulsate within our avatar bio-suits. When we are near other hue-mans our star tetrahedrons merge temporarily. The more robust our merkaba is, then negative energetics are transmuted with ease.
You are a divine creation of sacred geometrix & when we exit this plane of existence our star tetrahedron is the size of a large house. Earth's merkaba has been spinning backwards for a very long time, which decreases our lifespan. This is your lightship, your interdimensional starship & your gateway to the stars!
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Aug 2024
:: Being On Center Stage - Inner Child Healing - Supreme Courage ::
The Lion's Gate Portal is fast approaching on 8/8. This omega multidimensional stargate occurs every solar year as the Sun/Earth/Sirius & the pyramids of Giza all come into alignment.
Be prepared for an influx of cosmic energetics to bathe the planet for a 2 week vortex before & after this celestial event. Our 12 Strand DNA gets illuminated & if there is anything that is standing in it's way to reactivate, your reality will be sure to let you know the galactic details. Many elements of our inner child aspects may surface: did we receive enough love as a child, were we ignored, told it is just our imagination or had trauma?
The power master number 88 numerology facilitates: karmic balance, Saturn/libra energies, abundance templates, all things monetary, refining our discipline centers, moves into the infinity vortex, achievements we are striving for for the entirety of our lives, navigates the realms of authority, goals & links into the tarot strength card + the lions spirit animal (facing fears, radical self care resistance or invasive authority to shift into deep courage felt within). No matter how big or small these items may be for each of us, they are equal in importance.
Extra sensory perceptions are activated or taking flight fast, personal power surfaces, balanced ego is calling in a big way & we may feel propelled by a higher spiritual purpose. Sirius holds the key codes to the 6th dimensional blueprints of sacred geometry & how to become a master geneticist (ultra far beyond where we are at). With it comes responsibility. The Lion's Gate Portal also is encoded with our galactic history & all the variety of star nations that have visited this celestial body. Elements of our past lives may come up or memories of Egyptian incarnations or timelines.
As we merge with the Sun, the photonic light shines over all that is distorted & unification with pyramid energetics comes into full swing. Pyramids are energy generators, spaceships & keep our ley lines/power spots all tuned up. There is a reason the planet was covered in them at one point in quantum time. The Sun is in Leo, so playfulness will come out to play into the mix or where we are lacking in that department, Are we afraid to be on stage so the whole world can see us? Then we know there is healing to be done in this area. Keeping the ego in check will be key this month.
The pineal gland may feel like its over stimulated or the nervous system heightened With the lions gate comes lots of fire energy, so having an output is key to working through this energetic portal. Self initiation is a major life lesson to learn during this powerful gateway. No one can do it for us, it must be us to make it happen. If we are colored in seeking admiration for all that we do at every turn or validations due to low self confidence (or with conditions) then this one area to look closely at.
Celebrate the divine information that emanates from the Sun, celebrate your progress & absorb every drop of the essence of the light rays so your lightbody can shine. Use this wave of ambition that is calling out from the cellular network to get the ball rolling. Just don't be overly dramatic along the way!
Metatron’s Cube :: July 15th 2024
Metatron's Cube is not only a mystical tool for activation of different elements of the prime spiritual body, it also embedded into the make up of the universal gridwork of the universe & the access to archangel Metatron deep wisdom.
This opens up the gateway to the akashic records, has all 5 platonic solids built into it's blueprints & begins with the fruit of life. It connects the planetary physical planes of existence with the divine flow of universal life force energy, as it weaves itself into all of creation.
You can stare into this shape for hours, seeing endless shapes, receiving endless transmissions & open up the gateways to lightcodex for the multidimensional oversoul. Designed for sacred meditation practices, it allows the user to have a greater potential to reach higher states of awareness.
Balance & harmony live here. Due to the 5 platonic solids we have some key structures it embodies: stability & foundation, flow & adaptability, collective unity, harmonic assimilation + balance between opposing forces (polarities). Crystalline healing can be generated especially if this sacred geometric symbol is used in-conjunction with other metaphysical modalities or frequencies.
This is all about mind-soul transformation, to return to an illuminated form that uses personal power for the improvement of the environment around us & not for distortions or corruption. Regeneration, renewal, with an abundance of infinite energy. It boosts the voltage of other sacred geometry symbols near it & fuses directly into the subtle bodies so we can vibrate our highest self possible.
Using this creation in the form of a charging plate is a powerful tool for rebalancing the energetics of a glass or vessel of water + opens up the gateways to the multiverse & can shift our consciousness to alignment with source frequencies. Metatron's Cube wants to strip off our non organic masks, show real authenticity & cleanse all distortions that linger behind the scenes. It brings in the photonic light.
‘Flower Of Life’ :: July 8th 2024
Sacred geometry is an important piece of the very make up of the universe. We are made of sacred geometry & it was there before the current biological soul form we inhabited. All of creation swims with the grid of perfection that is the multidimensional gridwork geometrix. Everything creation has it's own sacred geometry built into itself & it holds together the network between all the cells. This acts as axiatonal lines & is birthed from the 6th dimension.
There are many forms/types of sacred geometry, many more to be discovered. Let's welcome in: 'The Flower Of Life'. Born from the seed of life & the egg of life this majestic creation resonates primarily with putting all of your metaphysical parts back into working order. It is the gatekeeper, the luminous vibrational grid that remembers your crystalline state before the distortions settled in. This is the cycle of transdimensional creation, the source that we all came from. Life, reality, death/transitioning, rebirth & cosmic shapeshifting.
It holds divine wisdom & unlocks key codes hidden in the dimensional blueprints. The entire spectrum of divine masculine-feminine principles resonate with the flower of life. It wants to create wholeness on grand scale, both individually & collectively. If you are missing pieces of yourself or consciousness or oversoul then we can feel incomplete or lost on how reintegrate them back into our being. Call upon the flower of life or scry into it, to open the gateways to it's frequencies.
This masterpiece shows us that the multiverse is interconnected & that are particles share reality. What we do here, affects the whole, even if it's on another planet, dimension or the other end of the galaxy. It is a cosmic amplifier that support the etheric sustenance of all living things. By working with the flower of life, we pry into the soul, so we can view what needs to be healed, upgraded & acts a catalyst to find our greater purpose in this plane of existence.
Wearing this symbol as a pendant can act as spiritual protector, so the auric field can stay in harmonic balance & all powered up. It can be used as charging plate for crystal grids & assist with recoding water. This is your zero point fields & if we where to view the universe from a very high vantage point we could see millions of flowers of life link up to create celestial patterns that transcend time & space.
The mental body & the mind can be transported to new realms of thought. Place the flower of life in your minds eye & take an astral journey to the spirit realm & beyond, cause without this form of sacred geometry the hue-man form would be able to exist, let alone have the link cable to the lightbody energetics.
Our Being Has Infinite Messages :: July 7th 2024
There are so many distractions that keep us pulled away from listening to our inner wisdom. Most of us are trained since birth to ignore our sacred biology (the physical body) as having any deep profound knowledge. This creates a resonant field that influences our environment, those around us & the collective in lower consciousness ways.
Our biological vessel is jam packed with infinite wisdom, ripe with multidimensional messages that speaks to us daily. Given the fact that the physical body is interconnected to a whole host of subtle energy bodies & metaphysical energetics, we have everything we need inside of us to be in a constant state of harmonic equilibrium.
We can learn from our environments, yet we outsource so much of our cosmic wisdom, convincing ourselves we know very little or are capable of developing new heights of awareness. For many it runs unconscious in the background.
The quantum time has arrived to listen to the ear tones, feel the frequencies, see the energy all around us, notice the lights flashing, sparks of synchronicities all around us, our higher self speaking directly to us, the gut sensations, magnetism of what we draw to us on the higher planes, instant knowing, telepathic communication, body talk, cellular messaging & the organic intuition that flows through us.
When we peel off our masks, shed the layers & reactivate our original blueprints, then we are prepared to start the full spectrum journey to reach our masterful authentic inner voice, the ascended master within. Slow down & listen to your body, mind & soul complexes: they have transmissions waiting for you.
PS (Paradigm Shifting): If you are needing some assistance with seasonal allergies due to a variety of pollen in the air, these are 2 powerful tools: organic/bio dynamic astragalus (caps) & ocimum (tea) forms. With guidance from a high vibrational herbalist you can take this realm to an even more refined cosmic level. Choose wisely & make sure they see you as 'not a one size fits all'. Each of us is unique & has a our own galactic configurations.
‘Quantum Energetic Report’ :: July 2024
:: Galactic Vulnerability - Radical Capability - Zero Point Fields ::
What an incredible ride it has been & we are just gearing up for another cosmic wave of frequencies to enter this dimensional plane of existence. The lead up to this month was nothing short of physical body breakdowns, dis-eases, infections, unwanted growths, digestion issues & discomforts. It just keeps coming & will not dissipate until the collective & we ourselves individually put radical self care for ourselves + the sacred environment at the forefront of harmonic appreciation/wellness.
Drama is going to lead the portal as we march into July as everything that has to do with family dynamics & family secrets are coming out to play. Some of these will be magical & others may be intense. If there is any power plays in the bloodline units, this will need to checked with a fine tooth comb to really understand where the core root causal came from. With all the diamond & rainbow crystalline templates + the continuous 12 strand dna activation, the lightcodes are gong to be the celestial body. You may be called to remix your living space, rearranging, purging or organizing in fresh new ways. This can also be the momentum we need to discover who our star family is, reconnect with our bloodline family or spend some closer time with our children or siblings. If there is any major complications, it's best to navigate this realm with caution. Be mindful that if you travel lots, the vibrational current will support you in having your home wherever you roam (the crab). or if you are not sure where you want to develop roots, this may be the catalyst for wanting it or exploring many places to find the location.
With a new moon in cancer coming up shortly, this a divine opportunity to recommit to your goals in a powerful way. Tapping into our nurturing qualities or learn to use them is key this month. As sensitivities may arise, emotions may be more reserved only if we feel safe to share them. Be mindful of moodiness taking control for longer periods of quantum time. This is about moving from protective mode, into empowerment. In some cases protection mode is a fantastic tool, however if we lean into it as default there is usually something hiding just below the surface & we are aware of it. Learning to master family dynamics, studying our star lineages or past life information will offer massive gains in the realms of inner development, which pulsate the frequencies into the collective gridwork. Later in the month, exactly 1 month from last month full moon, is another Capricorn full moon. Round 2 gifts us another opportunity to move from vulnerability to capability. How strong are we to stand amongst the most challenging times ahead? How robust are we to learn a new skill that we fear or tell ourselves we can't do it? Can we handle the mounting pressure of multitasking at this time? Are we able to be there for our loved ones when our capacity is seemingly drained? Are we able to walk into the unknown of harmonic healing & not buckle when the frequencies are raised or the shadow work comes calling? Ponder these questions. If we are too vulnerable, then even the smallest low intensities can cause us to crumble. What good are we if we are barely poked & we fall over, only to complain that no one can take of me or its too intense.
As we near the end of the month there is a mystical gateway that opens, known as the 'day out of time' in the Mayan calendar. This is the ultimate purgatory vortex one that offers us a chance to really feel like all time is happening simulcast. Well, it is! That is how quantum time works, Infinite ways to calculate it, from infinite planets, dimensions & realms. The zero point fields live here. This is the still-point of the universe. It speaks directly to our cells & the dna, where the OHM sound resonates. There is great mystical power in the day out of time, as the Sirius rises with the sun. This day rebalances the moon calendar, opens the regenrative power of Earth & recodes the spiritual pathways to self awareness. Rebirth, cosmic influxes & a whole slew of energies for the auric field + rebalancing our 3/6/9 vertical rod with the horizontal 12D stacking. Touching your heart & 3rd eye with your hands for 22 mins can open up a strong connection to this powerful day. If you experience ear tones, they may increase in frequency. We can to Earth to learn & expand. Here is another omega opportunity.
Are you ready to keep running the gauntlet & ask for assistance if you need it? You got this!
‘Building A Body Of Light’ :: June 17th '2024
The amount of light that our being can host is a very important feature of harmonic wellness. It's the direct light from the Sun, the photonic light from ascension portal, the sacred geometry of each light packet that fuses with our 12 strand dna/cellular network & the multidimensional information encoded into each of the bandwidth of waves that accompany each light ray. This includes both visible & non visible.
Nature can see far more of this spectrum than our hue-man eyes can, so if you add up the collective of the animal kingdoms supernatural abilities it showcases that there is a majestic field of light & energetics all around us.
The key code is to not forget this.
The key code is consciously invite the golden rays into our being.
The key code is to visualize enlightenment, to become less dense.
The key code is to request the frequencies to bath our being.
The key code is to focus on the lightbody.
The key code is open to receive so the vibrations of healing can move through your stellar vessel,
Light is very powerful & governs how we show up in reality, assists us to feel more vibrant, whole & complete. It carries deep wisdom & spiritual downloads inside of its codex. Photonic energy convert nutrients to the cellular pathways, shows us what is distorted in our realms or what is in sacred alignment.
Building a body of light takes time & lives in all of 15 dimensions in this neck of the universe. It responds to your divine mind, central heart & soul. To know the light, is to know you!
What Is The Foundation Of The Universe Made Of? :: June 8th 2024
We are far more than the physical realms, in fact the entire multiverse is made of transdimensional frequencies. This creates all the physicality that we experience.
Quantum sound vibrates the initial codex just after prime creator first manifested supersonic thoughts using the ultra divine mind. We are all pieces of this expression, as we are fragments of this sacred source. It's fantastical & incredible to know that each of assisted in the creation of all that is.
Universal life force energy then filled up every space of the universe, down to the tiniest particulate. This is essence our souls & the spirit realms are made of. It is hyper alive.
Then photonic light birthed itself, to then create lightcodes, information & multidimensional color. After this step, sacred geometry came rising to the surface for creating the templates for matter on any level holding forms.
In combination with celestial bodies (planets) the universal life force energy, kept it's original essence then a portion mutated into another form know as prana. The air that we breathe.
Frequencies dance all around us, bathing our being in starseed vibrational currents. Energy is the fuel that powers all dimensions. You could think of the universe as a giant battery, ready to astral exploration & superconsciousness evolution.
Our galactic avatar bio-suits (the physical body) are made of these substances. They more in relation to the unseen realms, than to the physical tangible realities. This is not to say that physical is not important. Physical is a gift from the stars.
Remember your star lineages, remember that all you eat is particles of of energetics & that your entire being's auric field is the most complex majestic vibrational vortex. Your 12 strand DNA can feel this, the cellular networks can speak directly to it & your complete identity lives in a universe of harmonic frequencies.
Monthly Energetic Forecast :: June 2024
:: Information Maximus - Supersonic Remembering - Being In The Now ::
Kicking off this month is a powerful event know as the Silver Gate Portal from May 28th - 31st & the effects will be felt long after the gateway closes. Aldebaran is Conjunct our Sun & this opens a portal to 'remembering'. Souls get bathed in a special kind of light just prior to entering this planet gridwork to begin the birthing process. We all experience the veil of ultimate forgetting on this plane of existence & to make sure everything is not fully lost, Aldebaran encodes information directly into our DNA. This interstellar constellation is also know as one of the 4 royal stars. Memories may come to surface as past life regression is amplified + the akashic records are wide open or more easily accessed.
Gemini season is upon us & with it comes a curiosity for a wide variety of activities. In addition it can feel like information overload, as pockets of info come flying at us from all directions, sometimes with no organization to what is presenting itself. Everything will be speeding up or moving incredibly fast & the challenge will be to stay in the now, being divinely focused on what is directly in front of us without looking to the future. New lightcodes of wisdom have a greater opportunity to finds us in the most unexpected ways. So if a certain book, article, video or potent encounter comes our way, its best to take advantage & dive deep into investigating what has synchronistically magnetized to you. Don't just skim over it, be very thorough. We may even feel a bit restless at this quantum juncture. Be mindful of how much you can actually handle & using high vibrational physical activities can greatly assist. Self expression may feel like having a full top to bottom recalibration. Use this opportunity to refine yourself or not to be stagnate in how we show ourselves to reality. If you are a more reserved type, this month will be focusing on uprooting your crystalline qualities of expression so they can shine bright. Resistance to this will only create challenges, surrendering to the process will catapult your being to elevated self awareness/ease.
Summer solstice this solar year will resonate with turning inwards to discover all the lightcodes, nourishment & multidimensional frequencies required to transform + evolve. Building a body of photonic golden light will be a primary vortex to pull all our attention into. Feeling the codex of creation, doing ultra sonic visualizations & the letting majestic Sun's rays bathe our being provides harmonic alignment to transmute all that came before last years summer solstice. How are we nourishing our mind - body - spirit? Are we feeding it distortions or crystalline nutrients: from the physical, emotional, mental to the astral. Honoring the cycles of reality comes full circle here, remembering the important roles that our biospheres play & all the sentient creatures journey through it. Also this is all about personal power. Did we give it away to an outside force or relationship? Can we stand firmly in our central truth & knowing? Are we able cross bridges of intensity in full form & do we know who we truly are beyond our given temporary names?
Honor the light within & without. Become a beacon of etheric light to assist others to awaken & so that even in the face of transdimnsional darkness, we can anchor in what is required for the next stages of alchemical transformation. Lean into all things golden & taste the bio dynamic honey that is dripping all over the northern hemisphere. Call in the lightcodes & create a ego balanced you!
The Silver Gate Portal :: May 27th 2024
Every solar year (Earth based linear time :: May 28th - May 31st), the Silver Gate Portal becomes activated, as our Sun is conjunct with one of the 4 royal stars = Aldebaran in the Taurus constellation, near the hand of Orion.
This annual vortex is known as the gateway of remembering. The veil of forgetting is intense on this planet, so prior to entering Earth's morphogenetic fields souls get bathed in special kind of light via the star Aldebaran just prior entering the cave of creation on Earth (the location just before entering the womb). This assists those souls travelling to this planet or incarnating once again, so that no matter the drop in consciousness or matrix overlays, the totality of forgetting will be lessened, as the DNA & cells are encoded for the catalyst to restore the missing memories of what took place.
This portal can feel like guardian angelic beings watching over all of those who have been bathed in its multidimensional energy. Aldebaran is a star of enlightenment, which assists us primarily to feel lighter, fill our being with light, so that our reality is less dense, heavy & compacted. This creates more ease & flow when we navigate all of our experiences.
We may also download new inspired ideas from the universal gridwork, directly into our minds, as receiving spiritual wisdoms are greatly increased during this quantum time. As the portal of remembering opens up, this a fantastic zone for doing past life regression work, the akashic records are wide open & memories from our oversoul/soul contracts can come to us as visualizations, though packets or streams of consciousness.
Dreamspace will be further activated at this time. Use this portal to sharpen the mind, build stamina, protection & ask why came into this incarnation. Your soul knows, its the 3-D vessel that is catching up & it requires the necessary lightcodes to make this happen.
Aldebaran energy is very powerful. This gateway will be stimulating the mental spheres, so if be mindful that the mental body might have experiences of feeling overwhelmed or perhaps anxious. Be sure to offer plenty of radical self care for keeping everything in alignment.
As the energetics are building this raises consciousness, transmitting codes of light to the hue-man collective. Aldebaran has a link with the original genetic coding that allowed for the experience of free will Earth. The original genetic coding holds photonic key codes for unravelling who we are, what we are & where we come from. What is my elevated purpose? Ponder this deeply & you will be supported.
There will be an elevation of multidimensional frequencies this week as bravery & stamina will be called as virtues to master. The 3rd Eye can undergo harmonic pulsations as the vibrational current fills this planet with stardust deluxe. This offers our being more memories, visualizations & points the cosmic antenna towards this celestial alignment. Be open & receptive to allow what every is required to come your way for your highest good only to accelerate the pathways to self awareness + harmonic growth.
The Plasma Body Explained :: May 23rd 2024
One of the most fantastic members of the 11 subtle bodies sacred team is: 'Plasma Body'
It's divine sacred role is allow transmutation to take place & alter the forms of things, experiences, energetics or happenings.
If we did not have a plasma body nothing in reality would ever change & it would remain dense forever. We have physical plasma inside of us that is in close contact with our DNA, cellular networks is malleable like moist clay & we also have an energetic plasma that is connected to the universal frequencies + the morphogenetic fields.
In order to evolve the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual forms, the plasma body is needed to facilitate these upgraded/shapeshifted realities. The plasma body is multidimensional. It's the very light-encoded substance that allows the feminine vessel to be ever changing. Holding the codex for alchemical transformation to take place, as it is the interface to which transmutation occurs.
This subtle body is alive, remembering all of our upshifts & downshifts, as it host a very high amount of universal life force energy ripe to expand the light quotient inside of us. The plasma body speaks directly to any patterns, behaviors & routines that we are looking to shift from distortions to crystalline. In addition when we regenerate a physical aspect of the biological body, this stellar creation has the templates to make this happen.
Reality is ever morphing & so is the plasma body. As the astral twin takes us on supersonic journeys, dreamspace happenings, it is the plasma body interlinks each 'scene' to the next. The Earth has a larger collective plasma body that interconnects to the collective networks/consciousness. If our plasma body is running low due to feeding it toxins, unhealthy lifestyles or ridged dense blockages, then our capacity or compass to move into the next stages of self awareness are greatly reduced.
The plasma body is the gatekeeper of peeling off the old outdated layers, the subtle body that allows the new operating systems or powerful implants to be spiritually downloaded into our being & when light encoded frequencies are transmitted via energetic workers or light language speaker, it is generated via the plasma body directly. Sacred geometry gave birth to this galactic creation & quantum sound fuels it's nutrients. The auric fields closest metaphysical part is the plasma body as the mechanics of the aura are interwoven into this masterpiece. They go hand in hand. The aura is always morphing, every minute of every day & so its the plasma body as it governs changes + the auric field.
All matters of ascension, awakenings & massive revelation come directly from ancient-future creation.
The next quantum time you successfully increased the energy fields around you or altered a pattern for your highest good, you can thank the plasma body for it's interstellar support.
2 Powerful Tools To Add To Your Sacred Medicine Kits :: May 15th 2024
1 - The legendary Moxa Heat Packs: the all natural & chemical free masterpieces are activated by shaking them for a few minutes then they begin to heat up. This can last up to a full 24hrs. Not to put placed directly on the skin for longer periods of quantum time as it can get quite hot, though safe to touch with your hands. Increases circulation in the body, stimulates lymphatic purging, soothes the digestive track & if you run cold, in many cases this can be your best cosmic friend. Restoration of Yang energectics, healing physical discomforts & charges up the master battery in the solar plexus while tapping into the multidimensional bloodlines of our incarnations. Communicates directly with the Earth Star & the etheric double + assists with working through stages 1-3 of the lightbody + the 1st plane of existence.
2 - Cordyceps: Very small doses is all you need to feel the effects of this ultimate tincture. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates appetite, promotes vitality/longevity, expands libito, recalibrates the hormonal systems & opens the higher crown chakra for interdimensional communication. You feel lighter & more receptive to receive multidimensional transmissions as the mental body become more clear & purified. This stellar tool also moves wisdoms retention to surface more easily during dreamspace & the both the yin/yang aspects (divine feminine/masculine) reside in each drop the comes into contact with our bio avatar suit. Need a lung protector, this beauty has you covered & self awareness takes place by being in contact with this masterpiece.
*Both of these metaphysical tools keep our auric fields tuned up!*
‘What is The Lightbody?’ :: May 1st 2024
'The Lightbody' is a very important participant in the subtle body realms. This 12th dimensional powerhouse is a casing of photonic light that holds all of our lightcodex into place.
It came before the physical vessel & is the casing that holds all the other subtle bodies into place. The lightbody acts on a multidimensional plane of existence, existing in the spirit, etheric & incarnational realms simultaneously. It vibrates at a very high rate & shows us our capacity to hold the finest of frequencies inside the hue-man vessel.
The more we can build our body of light, by feeding the lightbody celestial nutrient the faster we can heal, manifest & slow down the aging process. The lightbody hosts what is called the 12 stages of ascension. This is the marking point of where you are at in this very now & the progression of growth needed to reactivate the 12 strand dna codex. All 12 dimensions plug directly into the lightbody.
The lightbody can adapt to new alchemical transformation changes. This subtle body coverts sunlight into sacred information/wisdoms for us to utilize during our incarnational existence. It's how we can energy from the sun, how we process high vibrational knowledge from the akashic records & gateway to 3-6-9 rod repairing.
If there is any metaphysical parts of us that are not in alignment, this subtle body will be the informer as it watches over/governs them. It's important keep it tuned up so we don't feel disconnected from source, sluggish or scattered, looping out in repetitive behavior as when its tuned up, all flows in divine alignment.
When our consciousness is focused on the lightbody, it expands. This in turn opens the central heart, powers up our personal power centers & if (rare cases at this quantum time) fully activated is one of the main factors of being able to leave the planet at will with our body to then re-incarnate on a more on demand basis. The lightbody never expires & its with us at all time. If there is work to done, it will let us know in a massive vibrant way, so we can become radiant, whole & metaphysically complete!
‘Monthly Energetic Forecast’ :: May 2024
:: Transformational Regroup :: Gathering Crystalline Resources :: Celestial Reflections ::
What a ride the spring vortex have been. With us now fully immersed into Taurus season + the Eta Aquariids meteor shower apex approaching, this is the ultimate quantum time to rest, recharge & review all the happenings that took place over the last few months. The pull in May will be towards doing a full scale assessment of what took place over the last 8 weeks, to see what came up, the kinds of areas in our reality that require multidimensional healing & the pockets of our consciousness that came to the surface to be noticed/integrated/upgraded.
We will have a a little bit more room to breathe this month as we navigate the quantum future. So gather up all your metaphysical tools & resources so you can now begin the process of laying the foundation down for any vocational, healing or home based projects your wanting to nurture. The last Mercury retrograde greatly amplified the dreamspace work, put so many relationships directly in front of us that need mending & that highlighted how exhausted we might be feeling. In other cases: 'When will the processing end?!?' So much to process, so much acceleration, so much communication. Many of us will feel like sleeping extra long, taking numerous days or weeks to catch up with all the photonic lightcodes that entered our being from the eclipses.
Self love, enjoying consciousness expanding arts & natures beauty will be on the front burner. be sure to go easy ourselves as we can feel like we got spit our of black hole coming out the other end transformed. This is natural. Lean into meditation practices coupled with palo santo smudging/golden healer quartz to synchronize all these areas into a common goal while easing the intensity this can have on our nervous system. This is no easy task, but now you bask in the sun, refresh the home energetics with more space to breathe between happenings. After all you are building a new you & Taurus is very methodical, while being a bit slower so it can all be integrated in a powerful way. Just take the time to have a pause & enjoy the finer areas of reality as you deserve it. All the emotions that came up, the mental sphere subconscious memories, physical disruptions, spiritual activations-missed steps was all a lot to digest, very much needed & for those who paid attention to what was bubbling up, nice work it was not easy. For the others it may be a more denser ride of physical discomforts.
Now that said, we do have an apex point coming up soon with some magic & intensity: the Eta Aquariids meteor shower. This is a what is called the 'Cosmic Mirror', an off planet mirror that hosts the entire elements of our being. Pieces of our consciousness, fragments of what makes us as an individual & the ultimate reflector. Many of us have heard of the 'Hall of Mirrors' during an awakening process, its intense until we surrender to it (everything becomes a mirror), well the next octave is the 'Cosmic Mirror', which highlights the entire structure of our psyche + physical/mental/emotional/spiritual bodies from all multidimensional timelines then it acts a master mirror for the collective. Anything that is distorted, not in alignment will have the etheric light shined upon, only in this case it comes powerfully but gentle so we can read the pages of reality in more neutral way. This is not to say it won't have impacts but it will a bit easier to digest that the eclipses. Pay close attention to how reliable we actually are, stubborn in certain areas, how we can improve being loyal & tap into our inner 5-D sensuality + the comfort levels we have with our biological forms. Also what is holding us back from following our desires, dreams & what frustrates us about the current paradigm of the matrix. Focusing on how we shift this paradigm will massive this meteor shower & practical ways we can nudge it to evolve in big ways.
‘The Higher Self Complex’ :: April 18th 2024
There are 11 energetic bodies within the banner of 'The Subtle Bodies'.
One of the most well know is called 'The Higher Self'. This subtle body is our future self that is completely pure & intact so that we always have a guide post to what we are striving to become as an undistorted being.
You could think of it as similar ascended master baseline of yourself, as once this portal is fully integrated, then that is when the next stage of self evolution takes place. However, the higher self can keep up with an ascended master vortex, as it upgrades as we reach new baselines.
The deep wisdom that we hold inside of ourselves live here. This is the nesting pod of multidimensional knowledge & balance so profound we sometimes forget that it came direct from us. The higher self is you. So in a sense you have already achieved the goal you set out for yourself.
If we did not have a perfected fractal version of ourselves, then how we would know what we are working towards. Let alone it reminds us that we don't always need to search for an outside source for guidance as sometimes the guidance (quite often) comes directly from us. Have you ever heard your voice being whispered into your ears (loudly) on rarer occasions? That is your higher self calling.
This subtle body is attached to the nervous & the galactic cord above the head. For many of us at this quantum juncture, the higher self is further away from us than it normally is. The causal is awareness, consciousness & environmental factors. Physical pollution distorts the frequency waves of our natural being, thus having less of a connection to the higher self.
The higher self requires tunes up, nutrients & vibrational fuel to truly become integrated into the avatar biological/physical vessel (our human bodies). When we activate through a metaphysical practice we illuminate the soul, which stimulates the higher self & its relay grid via the nervous system. When we live high vibrationally the codex of lightcodes streams through the cellular network of our being to wake up the higher self once again. As hue-mans we have a 12 strand DNA complex & the higher self is fully linked into each of these strands, waiting for them to be re-activated into our waking life + it's interwoven into each of the subtles bodies as they all work in tandem.
The overseer of our dreamspace: the higher self. The more a being connects consciously to the higher self the more it will show itself!
‘Sacred Medicines Card Pull For The Week: 'Prime Creative Source Codex' :: April 14th ‘24
via Metamorphosis Activation & Empowerment Deck :: Ultra Premium Oracle
The entire universe is filled with creative energy & creative potential, features infinite ways to tap into the field of our imagination centers to make manifest. This euphoric essence is quite often not tapped into, due to distractions in society or a societal/self programming that we are not artistic. Every action that a sentient being takes has the potential for incredible manifestations. Almost everything we do is governed by the creative source codex, yet everything we interact with was etherically created at some point in quantum time. In order for anything to take form, it requires the creative pulsation.
The prime creative source codex is made of harmonic frequencies, calls us to create something of galactic value that elevates the hue-man consciousness evolution & is cyclical with the bio-systems around it.
We channel the vibrations that align with originality, epic execution, refined design, made with high vibrational eco-organic materials, take risks, pull in the genius qualities & journey to places uncharted. When we don’t exercise our creative sides, the vortices inside ofus that govern our connection to creativity can become distorted. Creativity is as important as anything else we do in our realities& is an important ingredient in harmonic wellness. When we exercise our creative energetics, our being gets an opportunity to shine, fuse with prime creator, interact with the multiverse, powerup the right hemisphere of the mind & enter a trance flow of epic proportions.
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: April 2024
:: Pulling in the Lightcodes - Feel It In The Blood - Quit Waiting Around ::
The highlight this month is going to be all eyes on the next legendary total solar eclipse in Aries happening on April 8th. We have not had an eclipse that was this powerful since the one in Aug 2017. The energetics will be felt for 6 months post this majestic event.
There is no more quantum time to sit on the sidelines waiting. The calling is to create self initiation that reverberates through your entire being. Many aspects of corruption on this planet will be exposed & any distortions in our fields will rise to the surface to be seen, only this time it's not about lingering on them or spending endless hours thinking about what to do with them. Start commanding the 'reprogramming instructions', power up, make a decision & move forward with sacred multidimensional action.
Everything is speeding up, the acceleration is pulsing the collective to move towards creating, manifesting & dissolving any systems that no longer serve us. We have had more than enough moments to contemplate shifting our realities. Now it's the perfect gateway to do something about it. This is about momentum & endurance so it can create a new patterning that stays with us for the long term future.
Drink plenty of water, keep stimulants low, avoid junk food, reduce EMF exposure & look closely at the elevated dreamspace wisdoms. Many beings will encounter more 'ear tones' or hearing soundwaves coming from outside Earth. As the photon band increases the voltage we will be called to get physically moving to harness the frequencies. This physicality is also going to be deeply felt in the blood, the bloodlines & the core of the Earth at this time. Take some moments to let the astral waves wash over you, through you & within you.
Emotions may come flailing out unexpectedly, so embrace the deep wisdom they share & continue to move forward without lingering on them. This eclipse alignment draws to us the shadow & the light + radical self care, courage, leadership. Lead yourself as no one else can do it for you, unless we are blinded by false leadership that do everything for us, or we only make a move when they tell us to do so. In some cases we need fresh expanded leadership to create a New Earth template that empowers everyone. Some beings have this natural ability & the energetics are ripe for many starseeds to come out of hiding/step into assisting the collective to get higher vibrationally organized with while also bringing much needed awareness into the mix. We can only show up as good as we do radical self care.
Aries loves radical self care, mix in the fact the north node is in Aries (this eclipse is happening at near the north node), we have a massive universal life force energy power station waiting at our doorsteps. The planet needs radical self more than ever at this time. Rediscover your raw identity & remember that this life is only one of infinite forms you will take.
For those who are fast asleep right now, you may spin out in cycles of downscaling consciousness & mundane living. For those who are awake, feel the activation deep in your core & enjoy watching the truly bizarre surreal show that is taking place in the mainstream avenues. You can see the 2 master timelines splitting even further, oh my!
Etheric Double :: March 18th 2024
Each one of us has an 'Etheric Double' that journeys with us throughout all of our incarnations. We do however receive a refreshed version it as we enter a new biological vessel (including the animal kingdoms).
The etheric double is one of our subtle bodies. It lives & rests above our physical body about 3". Semi transparent, ethereal by nature it governs the energetic portions of our physical body. What happens in the physical, directly affects the etheric double. To really heal the more challenging aspect of physical discomforts, the etheric component needs to be recalibrated & addressed. Quite often there rips or injuries that can also appear in the etheric double.
When the 'Astral Twin (another subtle body) goes astral travelling on any capacity, it's the etheric double that holds it into place, acting an anchor point. The etheric double carries deep wisdom, transmissions, multidimensional information about our soul journey, particularly what our physical body is experiencing, how it functions & its unique properties on a spiritual level. As we or practitioners make direct vibrational contact with the hue-man avatar bio-suit, the visualization & transmissions that come forth are send to the receiver from the etheric double, which can include behaviors, patterns & routines that are fueling what we are experiencing.
For instance, if there is an issue with the vagus nerve quite often there may need to be some 'etheric chiropractic' work done just above the body in the auric field for untwisting or repositioning it back into place + then simultaneously still doing the raw physical remediation work. The 2nd last stop before any form of frequency healing energies or photonic universal life force energy enters the body, its filtered & absorbed by the etheric double.
To be noted that if there are some serious physical discomforts that impact star karma or soul contracts, it creates imprints on the etheric double, then on some occasions may even travel with us into the spirit realms/next incarnation.
Sometime we feel like we have 2 quantum versions of us, well we do!
Bi-Location :: March 11th 2024
When a full spectrum frequency healing treatment is taking place, it can feel sometimes as there is more than one set of hands on the body or in the auric field.
Bi-location, tri-location or quad location is a technique used during metaphysical energy based sessions for a practitioner to place themselves in multiple spots at the same time. This is a useful tool to not only increase the healing energy current, it allows more quantum work to be done.
This all takes place in the astral realms, using the astral twin which is anchored into place via the etheric double. In addition various transdimensionals working for your highest good only & spirit guides may join in for extra support. When an incarnational entity (a person) feels that there was more than one set of hands on the body at any point in time in a session, this is 100% happening.
The ability to use this can have endless healing advantages. Imagine being able to activate all points in a meridian lines simultaneously, connecting the galactic cord above the head with the earth's core grounding in cord at the same time or full body discomforts of the joints so some quantum time can be freed up to other work that is being called in. Endless applications!
Bi-location is not just reserved to the healing arts, it occurs regularly all over the multiverse & many beings on this planet have felt like they where is 2 different locations or realities at the same time. These location can be near us, far away or in another dimension.
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Feb 29th 2024
:: Metaphysical Gateways - Bubbling Energies - Removing Obstacles ::
Every solar year, ascension energetics just seems to be continuously increasing with minimal break or pauses in between. Well, March is continuing this mystical train, so gather up all your metaphysical tools as we are in for another wild ride.
Patience in all areas, while doing the work, will be the master key codes as the healing work cannot be avoided at this juncture due to the consistent colorization of Pluto in Aquarius for the next 21 'ish years. Pisces season is in full multidimensional effect. Our attentions are going to be placed on the metaphysical nature that we all inhabit, however are not always consciously aware off. The spinal cord will be activated this month & with this brings an increase of prana that wants to enter the physical vessel so that our being can be a larger container to house healing universal life force. If anyone has auto immune related discomforts, they will be highlighted & may even experience flare up beyond what normally occurs. With this prana increase comes a focus on the lungs & make sure to get plenty sleep if you are called to it, as we also have an eclipse coming up soon + the spring equinox.
This is a fantastic time to journey out to nature to receive it's lightcodes, gaze upon the stars to remember our star lineages, speak to our cellular networks as we remember that we as many cells as galaxies in the universe & to tap into all the planes of existences that are non-physical. So much inner wisdom can be developed through focusing on the quantum realms. With the spring equinox come a much needed renewal portal, the warmer weather, more sunlight, however this one is going to be about not only celebrating the land we walk upon but to get the most out of it, we welcome in a cosmic re-birth as old forms that no longer serve us are ceremonially cast away + the return a lightening of our soul/essence self. Avoiding this will only create more denser energies that cause confusion in our being or if we use substances to ignore what is happening (shadow & the light = equal parts) we may find ourselves in some tricky turbulant waters or miss important deadlines/dates as we are living all astral with no care for making plans & everything passes us by. Balance is key: soul exploration/quantumplation mixed with high vibrational practicality that nurtures/enhances our day to day routines to the next level. As the month goes on, everything will slowly be speeding up.
Now on March 25th we have a heavy hitter coming into the mix, with a lunar eclipse in Libra. Anything that we have been procrastinating, will be illuminated. As the eclipse frequencies begin to bubble up a couple of week prior, we are in for a wild ride. Any areas of people pleasing will be need to be released & if certain layers within relationships are feeling stale or dull there will be a clarion call to take a look at the patterns that created this in the first place. The capsule of the eclipse is like a dam, that waiting to burst open with fresh alien vibrations that will bathe Earth & all sentient beings in it. The heart beat will be ready to clean house & by removing an obstacles that are in our pathway, everything will feel smoother. Either way the eclipse is coming to do some spring cleaning of such obstacles. Instead of seeking equilibrium in all of our social spheres or outer relationships, this eclipse portal is all about equilibrium of our subtle bodies. The only being we can manage is ourselves & its going to take scanning our entire foundation from the food we eat to the types of entertainment we digest to the words we speak so we can remember that they need radical self care + are all interconnected (Pisces). There will be an abundance of photonic energy on this planet near the eclipse portal & it will be magnetized to the water inside of us & the kidneys are going to need as much love/care as we can give them at this time. These are mystical times, full of majestic energy waves that are supporting us as we transform.
The questions are: 'Are you consciously paying attention to signs & synchronicities that are appearing in our field, vying to get you attention for deep healing?' or 'Are you distracted by endless drama & artificial lifestyles that degenerate our celestial spiritual connection?
'Astral Twin :: Member Of The Subtle Bodies Cosmic Family’ :: Feb 26th 2024
In the hue-man energy field there are what is known as the subtle bodies. There are many. One of them is called the 'Astral Twin'.
This very important aspect of our being plays a vital role in all matters of non physical. Just because most of us cannot see the subtle bodies, does not make them any less real. We connect into them by sensing/feeling them & we utilize their functions far more often than we may realize.
The 'Astral Twin' is the 2nd stop in the subtle body train link. It is overlaid on top of the etheric double, resting anywhere from six inches to the 4th layer of our auric field (12") above the body. Every time we enter the dreamspace realms we are tapping into the astral twin. It gathers vital information & relays it back to the higher self for interstellar communication, mostly focusing on the most potent knowledge found so it can expand self awareness & consciousness. It decodes the wisdoms happening in our dreamspace, places the lightcodes where they are needed most & then opens the gateways so we can get work done while we sleep + shifts star karma trough the DNA/multidimensional timelines.
There is a icy blue silver cord that connects the hue-man physical body to the astral twin. This not only holds in place with our physical vessel, it also enables us to have out of body journeys or experience astral travelling. When an entity travels with the soul on a guided meditations journey, performs remote viewing, sends long distance healing or is going on an adventure while receiving a full spectrum energy treatment, the astral twin is the subtle that takes the master controls. This subtle body is directly linked into the etheric double (another one of the subtle bodies), which is the closet to the physical form we have. The etheric double acts as an anchor so that the astral twin can continuously stay connected to the human vessel.
The astral twin governs bi-location, so any time anyone has felt they are in 2 places at the same time or perhaps a being is sensing that a frequency healing practitioner was in multiple spots around the treatment table during sessions, these are all real experiences. When we think of the astral twin, we can think of it as a semi transparent nebulous version of you, acting as an energy duplicate that lives in the 4th dimension & is not bound by linear time/space.
Quantum is how it functions & by re-activating the 'Astral Twin' we can power up its blueprints so an individual can access its higher sensory abilities that it offers. The higher degree of of astral twin templates that get installed into our avatar bio-suit the more vibrational current we can handle. This raises the frequencies, opens the lines of spirit guide transmissions even further, purifies the heart field frequencies, powers up the multidimensional self + reminds us that reality is much more than just pure physical.
PS (Paradigm Shifting): Distorted white noise & loud in-organic sound from non-harmonic technology + heavy drug use (including allopathic medicines) is very challenging on the astral body, sometimes taking multiple incarnations to repair. Living in a crystalline metaphysical environment creates a homeostasis vortex for it to grow & expand. A bonus feature for a healthy astral twin is we slow down the aging process.
‘High Vibrational Body Care Products & Bio-Dynamic Household Items’ :: Feb 16th 2024
To live multidimensionally, requires a complete overhaul of our reality.
One of key areas is cleaning out all of the toxic products/tools in our environments & sacred home spaces. Material objects hold a vibrational current. As we shift from 3D to 5D the items, chemicals & synthetics in our reality become a greater importance in our awareness.
Chemicals stunt vibrational expansion. Synthetics are the causal of many dis-eases. Non organic elements deliver discomforts & erratic emotional complexes. It is not just the food we digest but the whole field of bio-dynamic living that is omega important.
Choosing Earth based fibers that have not been laced in questionable refining practices, taking a close look into what we put on our skin & removing the lab made scents that permeate laundry detergents will all assist with metaphysical illumination.
There are so many diverse options in this quantum now, ready for the next stage of hue-man evolution. If you consciousness is high then this will be an automatic feature that plugs into your soul. Linen & wool clothing have some of the finest vibrations running at 1000Hz, while polyester/vibrate at 15Hz which is what the hue-man vessel resonates at when we are close to exiting the body.
Earth gave us all we need to pull in the multidimensional light. It also gave us the lower octave so that we know what pathways are ripe with distortions. Moving towards single origin, organic, perfume free will boost the immune system, create a powerful aura around us while feeding our being nutrients for the soul.
So many of goods traded on this planet have fire retardant sprays on them, unnatural coatings & emit bizarre frequencies when plug into an outlet. Manual creations with our hands have its place & give us a break from the EMF + connects us to source.
If we are in the process of replacing toxic products in our homes, vocations, environments with higher frequency material items & we hit a barrier, just remember that anything you want to replace has a higher octave at this time. You just have to locate it, it exists.
Where we purchase it matters & the vibration that went into creating it matters.
PS (Paradigm Shifting): Each entity of Earth needs to stay vigilant in monitoring all businesses that create products, especially in the natural, body & health care sections. This makes sure that if they drop in quality, a mysterious ingredient gets slipped in or questionable practices arise that we made the required shifts in our realities to stay on top of the 'well its toxic but it saved the company money'. As smaller businesses grow or sell, this is something to keep an eye out for, however even a small local shop can consciously or unconsciously have toxic materials/ingredients in retail based items.
‘Co-Transmissions With The Arcturian High Council’ :: The 9th Broadcast :: Feb 8th 2024
Today we would like to speak to you about the term Earthlings use called the dark night of soul and the darker aspects of reality. As a being travels around the universe, taking various forms as an incarnate it may encounter some heavy situations that shatter reality as they know it. You view this darkness as a polarity of light.
Being in the third dimensional illusion this is an appropriate observation but the darkness in the large scope of the universe co-mingles into every particle of the light as the two are inseparable and always unified. By looking at them in unison, the wisdom base increases exponentially and thus opportunities for self awareness become much greater. The rose covered glasses must be removed on occasion, in order to gain a much larger scope of reality and of course yourself. The darkness guides you to the light. The darkness is the light in another form, waiting to be illuminated. It shows the pathways to digging up the patterns we cannot see. To search for buried treasures housed inside our energy centers or the compounding secrets we hold in our subconscious.
The mystery of the shadows is the great teacher for what is distorted in a civilization and gives us the chance to have a hard look at what we need to expand. Without it we would not grow or evolve. Now pertaining to the arrival of the dark night of soul, this is the moment of miraculous change. A moment to celebrate a very special gift from the multiverse and remember that you ordered this gift long ago from your soul's spiritual school house. It is like the akashic hall of mirrors got opened and everywhere this entity looks they see these mirrors. They are reflecting back a full spectrum of potential transformations. Due to the oversoul contract, they cannot be ignored.
Until you relax into this great shift, that will of course put you to task, the dark night of the soul will feel like it will not end. It will end, we assure you. Every entity has its own series of transformations and different lengths of time to move beyond this powerful stage in spiritual advancement. When you surrender to the process all will flow much easier. When a release of the attachments to the old outdated self is granted, the new metaphysical programming can be uploaded so we can then share our new wisdoms with our star brothers and sis-stars.
This is all about equilibrium of the light-dark spectrum. Your planet for eons has been plagued by far too much darkness. It is out of balance. The mainstream imagery created by the hidden hands, that is then manifested by the collective, is not an accurate representation of the inner transformational shadow realms. Some of it is, however most of it is a crafty advanced method to keep you in fear and steer consciousness in the wrong direction. A return to the bring in the light is in order. One that has no hidden agendas, with all the masks off and that seeks to never forget, that giving its power away leads to distortions in the individual & collective environment.
~ Arcturian High Council ~
‘Galactic Electricity, Shine Our Uniqueness, Innovate To Renovate’ :: Feb 2nd 2024
Pluto moving into Aquarius is legendary. This 248 year (Earth based linear time) journey last occurred when the matrix based corporation of USA timelines formed. This is the most bizarre collective happening since the summer eclipse in Aug 2017 & Pluto will be star of show for this month. Just slow down & sit somewhere in public & watch it all go by, my oh my! Exciting & intense all at the same time.
Now, add in the Aquarius season into the mix for the collective, this will be nothing short of an ultimate radical energetic shift as all the distortions are bubbling up like never before. If your centered & awakened then everything looks ultra wild/discordant, spinning in repetitive circles of lower dimensional consciousness that is illuminating it's true nature for all to see. You will need all your metaphysical tools to journey through this phase & literally beings are spinning in circles as they pass by our visions.
We are only getting started. The next 21 'ish solar years that Pluto will remain in Aquarius is going to increase the intensity year after year. Just as Aquarius season began, out comes Pluto to play. Nothing can hide & all will be uprooted. Aquarius mixed with Pluto is the alchemical revolutionary, the heavy impact of freedom at all costs meeting the secrets of the matrix head on. This is the heart of the soul, the darkness merging with the electrical universe to rise up to the light. Emotions cannot hide, pre-programmed subconscious elements show itself & lack of spiritual direction due to self sabotage or by outside forces will poke it's head into the mix in an impactful way.
New forms wants to be birthed, originality wants to shatter mainstream conformity & the master narratives that have already long expired it's welcome of misleading the collective will be shown to the world at large. Shining our uniqueness in every area of our lives will be a main focus. For some this will come naturally, with the energetics fueling it for cosmic ease & support. For others who are reserved, shy , don't want to stand out or only feel safe when following the mainstream, then this could be a difficult challenge. The question is how long can we hold back from illuminating our true selves before our creativity centers become distorted, self confidence dwindles even more, being controlled by outside influences go to far or we spent so much time fitting in/pulling back that our needs are not being met with crystalline illumination.
The shadow realms are here, full on to take center stage until they are transmuted. Alchemical transformation is calling & the pulse is ripe. Get digging for gold as the revolutionary inside of us comes knocking on our door step. You may feel this month a lack of direction, dis-ease at every turn in the collective & the pulse to do something about recalibrating our environment (the distortions) all around us. The key is going to be whether we take action or not. These cosmic transmission from Pluto turn the muck into gold, so activate the genius inside of you & innovate to renovate. The collective can get stuck in old outdated forms that no longer serve us.
With the new moon in Aquarius come up on Feb 9th, this will all elevate to the next octave. Use this power day to dream up inventive ground breaking concepts that can be intelligently applied to the future. Seek inner wisdom on how these ideas can be manifested on the Earth plane even if society is not ready for them at this time. In addition if there is anything we are still hung up on or loose ends that are dangling for no good reason, this is a wonderful to set them free. Thank them for the messages, insights & teaching they brought. Now release them & be aware that some of them really did not even need to be held onto in the first place.
Boredom does not exist when Pluto enter Aquarius. I can feel like another realms of existence. If your reality is becoming stagnant & repetitive then these 2 luminaries come in for a wild ride to shake things up. For those deep in the ascension process, enjoy all the divine activations, frequency templates & upshifts over the next few weeks. Activate & turn on the multidimensional self. The multiverse has arrived & its vying for your attention.
‘ The Sacred Reiki Attunements & The Etheric Initiation Process’ :: Jan 23rd 2024
During all of the 3 Reiki Degree certification trainings, there are a few photonic key initiations that represent the apex Reiki as a whole. They are know as the Reiki Attunements.
This sacred ceremony & etheric activation opens up the receiver so the human vessel can conduct/transmit more Universal Life Force Energy. This is the healing current of the multiverse, it's everywhere & in everything. Upon receiving a set of Reiki Attunements, you are permanently changed forever in this incarnation. For some it kicks in fast & for others it is gradual.
These Reiki Attunements are very special, as each Reiki Master is taught in the 3rd Degree classes how to initiate others & perform this illuminating ceremony. It is just you and the practitioner, you & the cosmic realms. 1st Degree has 4 Reiki Attunements, 2nd Degree has 2 Reiki Attunements & 3rd Degree has 2 more Reiki Attunements.
Once completed we cannot turn back, yet we feel a returning to our true biological spirit form. Imagine being able to transmit/send even more frequency current from our hands, aura & feet. These lightcodes are naturally emitted by all humanoids, it's just that the Reiki Attunements increase the amount we share with ourselves, others & the environment.
These attunements are universally encoded to no harm, lives in the central heart space & cannot be used for malevolent purposes. They open our innate ability to become healers, practitioners, offer radical self care, take healing into our own hands, open up extra sensory activity, connect into the subtle bodies & the multidimensional highways. As we increase the voltage of Universal Life Force Energy, then our biological body gets expanded & many of the metaphysical attributes/parts begin to come online from dormancy.
These Reiki Attunements (each one takes about 15-18 mins complete) are crystalline ultrasonic & if 2 Reiki Masters want to get together to re-tune up each other (after many solar years have passed) or tune up a requesting student(s), the Reiki Attunements can be done again for subtle enhancements.
‘Terra’s Stellar Ascension Cycle’ :: Jan 20th 2024
This stellar ascension cycle that the hue-mans of Terra (Earth) are in right now is the apex of radical transformation & spiritual actualization on the temporal plane.
We are now fully engulfed into the photon band. The astrological ages of Aquarius & Leo are the only quantum times that Terra is getting bathed in this hyper dimensional light. As we do a gravitational dance with Alcyone (Pleiades) our Sun is the 8th star of this system, we magnetically draw in the particles of this memory bank of our last ascension cycle + it remembers all that have occurred.
Photonic light accelerates everything, expands consciousness into superconsciousness while diving deep into the vortex of sacred purification. Nothing can hide & all will eventually be brought up to the surface for transmutation. What makes this stellar ascension cycle extra potent, is we are in a part of the galaxy that we have never been in before, a 225 million cosmic solar year journey & in 2012 a completion of the Mayan calendar. This has been spoken about for countless eras & the multidimensional frequencies are off the charts. There is no time like this, there will no other time like this & 2017 - 2023 is the climax of the energies, yet all will be mystically amplified for centuries to come (includes both bookends) .
The recalibration of our entire incarnational realities have begun as for those who chose to not make the leap into the grand awakening will stay in 3D mode, filled with matrix programming & dense dis-ease at every turn. The bifurcation process has opened, parallel Earth has multiple timelines & the paradigm shift has been birthed. In the next decades to come all of our Sol System will be submerged in the photon band (nanoscule dodecahedrons) & once Pluto/Aquarius are in the mix look out the next octave of hue-man evolution.
Solar flares & the Schumann Resonance is consistently spiking, the 12D diamond & rainbow crystalline templates are being installed into the human vessel through the subtle bodies. This raises the vibratory range so our subtle bodies can host more plasma & enter the 12 stages of the lightbody. 2222 higher consciousness codes offer the accessibility for quantum time (moving beyond linear), feeling the 12 strand DNA inside of us, cleansing distortions, re-illuminating the antahkarana (galactic cord) & pulling in the multiverse (there is 5 harmonic universes in this local universe).
1987 harmonic convergence was the start button. Then in 1992, 1994 a sacred activation took place on Terra to request the opening of our plasma body/subconscious as a collective to facilitate the arrival of new energetic gridwork to come online into Earth's morphogenetic fields so then on a micro scale: enter the human vessel both individually & collectively. This is the great quickening, the moment when radical self care opens up the extra sensory perceptions & abilities. The moment when we remember that we can live much longer than 100 solar years.
This ascension process ushers in a massive wave of metaphysical modalities, light languages come to form once again, ecological harmonic balance is considered a priority, indigo children & starseeds come via the clarion call for support. Isn't it fantastically wild that when Terra is in its darkest hours that the most light is called to assist.
When we heal in this vortex everything become amplified. It's sends waves of multidimensional pulsations out into every bloodline & incarnation we have experienced. Spirit guide communication & the akashic records are wide open. This is why so many of us are receiving information & wisdoms about our off planet star lineages. This is all about illumination, activation & complete rebirthing. The old programs have been running the show for over 25,000 years, now it's time for a cellular rewrite, so we never drop in consciousness ones again. The future is unwritten, who knows exactly how this will go, but at every turn sentient beings are seeing 11:11, omega amounts of synchronicities are surrounding us, every couple of quantum weeks there is another spiritual power day, we feel the parts of our oversoul come online & the planets of the Sol System are creating configuration so powerful it recalibrates the mechanics/blueprints of our inner soul.
'The Multidimensional Immune System' :: Jan 18th 2024
Quantum frequency medicine works directly with strengthening the immune system. Each session that it is applied to the human vessel it amplifies the master seats of immunity. If sessions are consistent (without larges gaps :: under 8 weeks) then the effects increase with each successive treatment.
The key areas that the crystalline energy flows to is the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow & white blood cells. This covers the physical plane of existence to build antibodies, yet there is so much more that is interconnected in the etheric realms. The new wave of full spectrum healing envisions our being as not 'fighting off' something but focuses more on transmutation. Taking an invasive or harmful substance & turning it into a crystalline form that heals the body.
A large portion of this will be the divine work of the thymus (Higher Heart Chakra) & the cleansing of distortions. As the immune system is being restored, many of the core root patterns/behaviors & routines that are stifling it will come to surface as well as the gridwork of how much prana we can host will be slowly increased. Some of these items may be food related, exercise, chemicals, stress, attitude, using a microwave to cook with, invasive foreign injections (giving our power away) & environmental EMF ect.
When a humanoid or sentient being is disconnected from the spiritual body or the astral realms, avoiding the emotional complex or is in need of a mental body composting, this will in turn lower our immune system: fostering a much greater potential for dis-ease & discomforts. It's not one spot on the body that repairs immunity, it's a multidimensional host of aspects that make up it's existence.
As universal life force energy is channeled into the human vessel, intermixed with other advanced metaphysical tool we can rebuild a new relationship with vibrancy, innate healing & go decades without ever getting sick. The aura plays a massive role in this, as all in many cases sickness comes from outside our body or the environment around us. With a robust aura, we can create a silver intergalactic shield for optimal reinforcements/keeping dis-ease at bay. Then we recode the skeletal system, open the master channels to the blood + repair the dna/mitochondria of the cells.
In my sessions I also use a multiwave 5 therapy mat (treatment table is lined with it) which has a high voltage amount of concentrated negative ions (generator). Negative ions from nature & metaphysical energy healing also increase the vitality of our immune system. No matter the work we do on the physical 3D plane, there is always an energetic portion that is governs the immune system. The 2 need to be in unison in order to take it our immunity to the next level or be the catalyst to finally resolve an issue that seemingly cannot be healed.
Conscious holistic lifestyle matters, taking action matters, raising the frequencies matters, what we eat matters. Even if we think our immune system is strong & we only feel under the weather every few years, why stop there?
Imagine going your entire lifetime without ever being under the weather. The original human did not have any dis-ease, extremely rarely ever got sick & never died. Even in the golden years, 800-1200 years was a common lifespan. Its not normal for us to be spending every moment fighting off dis-ease at every corner. This was engineered to inorganic perfection. Now let's move beyond it & create a new paradigm.
Frequency healing is the ultimate preventive sacred medicine. There is not a single linear path to wellness as each of our immune systems have there own unique properties. A one size fits all model needs to be dissolved. The more photonic light quotient our lightbody can hold, the more robust our immune system becomes.
‘Universal Life Force Energy & The Vagus Nerve’ :: Jan 3rd 2024
During many metaphysical healing treatments (especially Reiki), Universal Life Force Energy can be applied to the body for vagus nerve illumination. As this energy passes through our being to this important area, it repairs the vagus nerve & keeps it vital.
The vagus nerve speaks directly to the 7 baseline chakras. Then it activates a direct connection to the prime spiritual body, which in turn simulates a link to the etheric double/astral twin & higher self. The signals + consciousness that flows from our biology to these 7 vortices is integral to how we function in harmony with incarnational reality. If these are not robust or flowing correctly, then blockages, energy leaks & distortions begin to manifest. We tend to see these as behaviors, patterns, routines, emotions or intense mental activity that impact us in a seemingly negative way, dizziness, migraines + dis-ease may form if left unattended. Also impacts our cognitive functions.
There is a multitude of causal features as to why this can occur, however the vagus nerve plays a large part. It could be pinched, inflammed or even knocked out of position. In some cases its the central nervous system that plays a part of this because it is running on overdrive. By directing Universal life Force Energy to the vagus nerve, we can realign it or move back into position. We can reduce the inflammation, send multidimensional information directly to it, raise the kundalini current, open the wing maker frequencies & speak to the chakras with more ease. When we enter the chakra consciousness, we can receive spiritual downloads about our soul's journey or key areas to heal/work on. Many energy practitioners will have these wisdoms come into a healing session.
The practitioner can with training, direct Universal Life Force Energy & request it to go straight to the vagus nerve. The energy will go where its needed organically, yet it the metaphysician doubles up & get involved consciously it can create powerful results, as this healing current is just asking/ripe to be played with. There is no exact amount of sessions for how long it takes for remediation (each being is different), however after a few sessions the results are transformative (some cases even after the 1st session). Why wait for something to become a discomfort, when we can use metaphysical energy treatments to act as a tune up or preventive.