In-Person or Distance :: Victoria, BC
‘The 3 Types Of Star Children’ :: Mar 5th ‘25
There are 3 prime types of star children that may be birthed onto this plane of existence at this time, perhaps you may know someone who is one of these or maybe even your kidlet is perhaps one of them. Star Children have been on Earth ever since sentient humanoids or other star nations have been walking upon this majestic planet. There are official grail lines that come from some of the master seed races from long ago. They still exist today, however they are far less common. You will know when you interact with one of these beings as they are vibrate & feel like they are from a completely different dimension.
When the 144,000 clarion call went out not long ago just prior to the mid 20th century, to have high vibration souls come to the earth plane of existence, they not only came in 3 waves but many began having children in incarnational hue-man form. This began in the 1950's/60's, then wave 2 in the late 70's/80's & a 3rd wave in after the turn of the 21st century. Now we see these 3 groups intermixing frequencies, some cases interbreeding plasma codes & oscillating on this planet for raising the frequencies.
Each wave is unique itself, has a fascinating genetic make up in the ethereal planes & all have their own metaphysical gifts. Sometime we may feel like a mix of all 3 or any combination of. Once a Star Child is born onto this planet, more can be birthed. Either by 2 illuminated parents that are already Star Children themselves, have done the work to reach these octaves or a soul entering the Earth vortex finds the right combination of astrological blueprints intermixed with the codex of the perfect host parent. Many are Starseeds who may not have been here before.
Indigo Child = elevated indigo auras (master color) :: highly creative, cosmic rebellious (paradigm shifting), deeply emotional, have a very important mission, intuition is elevated, revolutionaries, resilient optimism, expanded pineal gland, deep sense of purpose or soul mission, unwavering integrity, ultra unique, galactic authenticity, visionaries.
Crystal Child = teach love & peace from the central heart field, very sensitive, access meditative states with ease, drawn to crystals & show us that full spectrum healing 'miracles' are normal day to day reality, communication with the other sides of the veil, hold a massive amount of lightcodes, they feel a fusion with nature/telluric realms, very affectionate, highly sensitive, are drawn to collective transmutation work.
Rainbow Child = they don't fear anything, stand in a fully protected multiverse elevated compassion, telepathic communication, often manifest with ease, often born with no Earth Karma, robust immune systems & very adaptable, strong link to the higher self, being near them initiates metaphysical activations, not attached to the material realms of 'stuff', incredible amounts of energy, harmonic masculine/feminine energies.
*Each of these 3 Star Children adapt/understand multidimensional living with ease or once it's awakened again via a powerful catalyst + are here to usher in a more elevated future for humanity*
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: March 2025
:: Eclipse Bookends - Spring Equinox - Pisces Season ::
After launching into this month from a New Moon in Virgo at the end of Feb, we are greeted with a 3/3 vortex that holds the codex of creative manifestation, the merger of the great inner teacher with the cosmic caregiver & wants us to strike a cosmic balance of spiritual mastery. Any quantum time we a master number comes into effect we are entering a star school. As the recent Fen 2/22 higher consciousness codes are still in effect during the opening portions of March this will be fused into the 3/3 vortex that ultimately wants us to bring in the resources & galactic discipline to build our multiverse in ways that are practical + efficient while all is fueling our souls calling. This is divine service to humanity. Just make sure we don't have any major heartbreaks with ourselves or beat ourselves up over any lessons we learn along the way that may have not been resolved or upgraded instantly. Multidimensional mastery takes time.
March 13th launches the first of 2 eclipses. This first one is a Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. This is about stepping deeply into a new reality of clarity & self empowerment. This is clean up time, both intuitively & emotionally. Releasing any self doubts about the messages sent from our intuition centers, central heart portals or galactic cord, will allow what is being presented to oscillate into our being without denying its value. Use this eclipse opportunity to take at closer look at how we take care of the 4 prime bodies: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. Do a deep analysis of how we can improve our self healing routine, through easy to implement practices. Focus on quantum organization, tidiness & not dwelling on perfectionism. Any gains someone makes is to be celebrated. Harmonic wellness take time & effort + the more tuned up the hue-man vessel is the more we can receive powerful transmissions from source. This eclipse will really showcase the very apparent cracks in the global allopathic systems & where certain areas are not really working in the healing realms. This eclipse call us to matters into our own hands & create a home space that promotes ultimate immunity supporting structures, filled with metaphysical tools to keep the wheels vibrating high.
As the great metaphysical sign of Pisces is in full resonance, the realms of multidimensional living take flight, surrounding us at every corner. This great ocean of consciousness reminds us to take time to live quantumly that once in a while its so lovely to not have a deadline or any predetermined plans. To live in the moment authentically, full of creative potential & cosmic exploration of all matters non physical. Our subtle bodies will be vibrating extra high during the next few weeks, so pay close attention to what you lightbody or higher self has to say. Just don't get to lost in the fractal of creation, so we can make sure we are honoring what we said we would show up for. Neptune rules Pisces & this will be about boosting the immune system, feeling the lightcodes & calling in the galactic central sun. You may even feel more spirit realm entities all around you too, especially with the Spring Equinox on the 20th. This equilibrium of day/night, shows us the balance points of the shadow/light aspects of our being. This global celestial event has one half of the planet (upper portion) watching the seeds grow, while the other lower half is preparing for harvesting & composting. The frequencies will be very elevated at this time, lean into nature for it's galactic restorative qualities & powerful negative ions + take a divine moment to thank the telluric realms.
March 29th launches us into a Solar Eclipse in Aries. This will a deep gateway for forging new realms into self discovery. Sometimes the mind gets to logical or in the way & we need to launch into the unknow to see what new frontiers we can find. We can find out so much information about ourselves during this solar eclipse such as our capacity for inner strength, how much endurance we naturally have (instead of synthetic or outsides sources fuel us), how well we can embrace challenges & if we are open to the rebirthing process. So many of us Earthlings have yet to move beyond 3D status quo living, while swimming in mainstream controlled lower consciousness. More Earthling may awaken & come online during this eclipse or soon after. There will be a divine pulse of ignition of powerful energetics bathing the planet to wake us up on deeper layers than ever before. Self initiation comes a calling, so we be the master guiders of our souls pathways once again. As the photonic energy of this eclipse courses through our sacred being, take a divine moment to tune into this celestial alignment. Any parts of us that lack self confidence will rise to the surface to be played out/recalibrated in the stage that is holographic life. Hold these divine frequencies in our core star so they can be stored for quantum times in the coming months when they will be most needed as situation arise. Aries/Sun wants our master batteries to be charged up all all times. Make sure we take pauses to not overload the system as we navigate the quantum future.
March is upon us & it's filled with stellar expansion.
‘Higher Polarity Aspects Of Pisces & Neptunian Transmissions’ :: Feb 19th ‘25
Very soon we will be entering Pisces season. This a one of the most metaphysical attuned signs in the astrological wheel. The Piscean energetics radiate multidimensional living or the potential catalyst to wake up the dormant pieces of us that are ready to expand. Working directly with the 12D templates can really get the momentum going for installing any cosmic subject under the galactic central sun directly into our cellular networks. When we become rigid due to time constraints or everything must fit in a certain box of order, Pisces frequencies come in to dance with the stardust. Quantum time is a master focus as all aspects of linear time dissolve, so we can see all timelines happening simultaneously. This is a skill of the Piscean potential & the Neptunian influence this ruling planet has in this plane of existence.
Creativity of a powerful order can be unlocked which is housed inside the sacral chakra, yet if flows from the universal gridwork that is facilitated from the higher crown chakra points, then flows into our auric field via the arc lines (nucleus of the aura) to then inspire the individual of collective at large to create something of galactic value that forges new highways of superconsciousness. If you are wanting to have a day where you just go with the flow & have no official destination or time limits, this is the Sun in Pisces reminding us dip out toes into this realm on occasions. Pisces archetypes swim with the ocean of reality, feeling every particle in it's being & while tapping into the furthest regions of the delta waves/dreamspace. Spirituality takes flight in a powerful way, as we remember that each of us has our own unique connection to source. Inner development bathes our being, so we can hold the mutable energies close to our emotions, for radical transformation. This is the reminders that everything has cycles & no 2 of these cycles are the same. The completion of these cycles is at the forefront + Pisceans are in touch with nature on a deep level.
The photonic light fuses with our dna, to create new soul pathways that illuminate the departments of our inner selves so we can share our gifts to the environment around us. Escapism has no grip on us, the material world shows it's holographic colors as the eyes of an awakened Piscean can see not only the illusions, but what fractals lie just below the surface 3D aspects of reality. Tremendous amounts of compassion can be unlocked inside of us, so we can see all pathways & understand that each of us have our own unique journey to take while incarnating. The ocean of life is the celestial forms that assist us to see that the telluric (nature realms) are hyper alive. Archangels, ascended masters, animal spirit guides, ethereal star nations, indigo children, starseeds all are close to the hearts/minds of Piscean potential. We are metaphysical beings made of vibrational currents. When was the last quantum time we paused so really see what is going on, released all limitations & letting the wilder sides of music take us on a wild fantastical ride to the meta-galactic core!
‘We Are Not The Only Sentient Entities In The Universe’ :: Feb 11th ‘25
The multiverse is filled with countless sentient creatures & humanoids that come in every possible modus of stellar creative expression. This includes the more physical leaning planes of existences & the etheric realms as well. We have been programmed to be'lie've that we are the only conscious beings in the universe & that we are superior to all other forms. This could not be further from the reality that is taking place.
The populus of spirits is infinite & it fills the spaces between our material worlds. You could easily walk pass many on the street & have no idea this took place unless you are tuned into your vibrational fields. This happened daily, as the cosmos is filled with sentient creatures. Each of us have at least 2 spirit guides assigned at birth(we picked them). Now multiply just that figure by how many hue-mans that are currently on the planet & that's not less than 16 billion spirit guides. Your oversoul (144 parts) may be another type of non hue-man incarnating at the same time on a different dimension or planet. It's right in front of us, every quantum day.
There are sentient beings on Venus, Mars (including hue-mans), the moon, Jupiter's moons, Neptune & Ceres. We have meta-terrestrials inside inner Earth + walking upon this sacred planet. Some even can shapeshift, inhabit a hue-man vessel or even come for temporary visits. There is a powerful reason for why we hold deep wisdom inside of us about other star nations/constellations as there is frequency imprints or deep memory banks in our subsconscious. Many of us have been in these form during during other incarnational experiences. If you take the matrix based movie system (entertainment): a large portion of Earthlings are gravitated to superheroes/creatures from other planets or fantastical characters from folklores or myths.
Discovering star nations is old news, as we used to interact with them on a near daily basis & some of our pyramids acted as portals to teleport over to Earth or beacons of light for landing starship pads.
Here are some star nations & transdimensionals you may have been drawn to:
Pleiadian - Arcturian - Lyran - Alpha Centaurian - Laan - Procyon - Andromedan - Sirian - Orion - Anunnaki - Telosii - Spican - Blue Avian - Mantis - Dragon Guardians - Telluric Elementals - Master Guides - The Greys - Archangels - Various High Councils - Venusians
‘Galactic Integrity’ :: Feb 5th 2025
Galactic integrity plays an important role in full spectrum healing & is something that is put on the back burner in today's current quantum timelines on this majestic planet. This requires us looking deeply within to recalibrate the silibtke elements of this sacred real. For instance the act of showing up on time or carrying through to finish our spoken intentions with clarity, actions & thorough communication can often be out on the back burner of our awareness. We must each take response-ability to notice when there are areas that could be up-shifted & to not be I am spiritual so I can never make a mistake or passing of judgements to others cause they tripped up on rare occasions (especially if they live a metaphysical lifestyle). As we are all incarnational beings working towards our higher selves embodiment.
Integrity means to be walking in our center point, not being a charlatan, as many on stage of reality are knowingly putting on masks. Keeping our word for commitments such as I will assist a friend with such and such (unless an emergency comes up) offers a sense of self gratitude for being there. Cosmic integrity is all about being yourself & not blindly following orders knowing something is toxic just to keep a vocoation. Multidimensional accountability is integral to self healing & pattern recalibrations as who you are or actions done in the open are the same as behind the scenes. This accesses the false masks to be seen so they do not accumulate over time into our auric fields/subtle bodies. Another key area is not speaking our truth just so that others make like us. Galactic integrity also wants to dissolve decisions that are based on greed while wanting us being completely authentic in all that we do. When something happens we admit our mistakes, then make the changes to improve ourselves.
When we are speaking/feeling from the central heart field, making an honest/conscious look at how our behaviors affect reality while getting organized + planning in advance for how we show up then our outer environments are enriched, inner landscapes tuned up & we see that galactic integrity is not about being perfect, rather an act of constant self harmonic improvement. This sends frequency waves to our oversoul, 12 strand dna & deep into our 12D templates so galactic integrity can link us to the next stages of transdimensional growth. To 'raise the frequencies' as so many Earthlings say at this juncture is to include integrity.
‘Monthly Energetic Forecast’ :: Feb 1st 2025
:: 2222 Higher Consciousness Codes - Sun Aquarius - Mars Retrograde Continues ::
What a journey is has been & continues to be on the majestic planet. It seem every week is jammed packed with lightcodes & power days or major astrological alignment. The fact is, this is truly occurring at a fast paced quantum speed & it will continue to accelerate until we all are fully awakening. Nothing can be avoided at this multidimensional juncture. The multiverse will always set up yin time for us, however we must be aware of these vortexes to get the most out of them. We are arrived a marking point where finding cosmic wisdoms or locating spiritual information is beyond abundant that we have to have our head in the sand not to notice it somewhere. Daily astrologers are keeping us up today on alignments, cosmic bloggers are telling us consistently about metaphysical healing arts & portal days are an quick internet search away. This is what the Age Of Aquarius is all about & ushering in. When the Aquarius season is here via the Sun's alignment then technologies to which the informational highways are opened are greatly enhanced. Coupled with a massive collective/societal lens we are ripe for shifting paradigms. This month is all about being unique & finding your revitalized cosmic groove that sets you a part from the collective at large.
2222 higher consciousness codes will really start to take form on 2/22 later in the month & its going to be a powerful gateway. These higher consciousness codes open up the gateways to self awareness on a finer plane of existence. It sends a relay grid to the photon band (which Earth is currently in) to release additional gridwork/lightcodes that want to work closely with us. Aspects of our 12 strand dna can come online as well as the galactic portions of our multidimensional self. The subtle bodies are going to be stimulated more & this can feel like a rush of dynamic energy coursing through our stellar being. Keep in mind that being organized at this time is imperative. With the influx of frequencies many will feel scattered if they are not consciously working directly with them & forgetting basic tasks can take center stage. This gateway mixed with Aquarius season is all about precision & illumination. It's all about evolution at this time & old forms are waiting to be dissolved so the rebirthing process can open a new operating system in our being.
Mars retrograde has been in effect since Dec 2024 & will continue until Feb 23rd 2025. This can feel like we are taking 2 steps forward & 1 step back. This is a massive inward journey that can feel like the pressure running high. This period is all about looking at areas in our reality where we can be overly defensive, have pent up anger or where we can refine our true motivations before taking action. Taking moments to reflect on our way of being/patterns can open up new understanding of harmonic awareness. When mars goes retrograde this offer a chance for our master physical batteries to recharge, keep some for future reservoirs as Mars rules the endurance levels in our physical vessel. Contemplating how we can move to becoming a visionary or a pioneer of perception will be calling us in a greater capacity. Once Feb 23rd arrives, the momentum will be increasing & we think all is moving fast now, just wait until mars goes into forward motions again!
:: Butā + Nej Mate ~ Third Eye Chakra ~ 9th Plane of Existence ::
This is the place of dream realms. Where endless messages come to the surface to be seen, observed, heard & visualized. This is our extension of transdimensional reality, as the waking life & the dreamspace are interconnected as an interwoven tapestry of magnificence. Go where the mind wants really wants to go, just make sure its filtered by the central heart & the soul is guiding the pathways,
At this cosmic juncture, the outer auric field is sending non harmonic jolts into the other layers. What are we doing to support this? What regular maintenance is being done to purify that which has been accumulated, so we can shift the patterns that are no longer serving our highest good at the quantum time?
The lightcodes of the infinite ley lines of the universe want us to master the multidimensional Hova body #1. This will take discipline, this will take galactic self initiation, this will take a radical deep feeling in our core essence that we are a luminous being from head to toe. Absorb this extra sensory sensation that is fueled by every particle in our divine being on a cellular level.
Hold space for it & nurture it until it becomes strong & crystalline!
‘Ascension Symptoms’ :: Jan 3rd 2025
The quantum end results of ascension transformation & full spectrum healing is powerful + majestic, while taking us into the elevated nature of our divine being alignment. However not all of the healing, gateway experiences are crystalline, as many come with challenges, distortions & intensities of every kind. This is par for the course when navigating this density during an incarnational experience.
We call these 'ASCENSION SYMPTOMS' & they are very real as your sacred human vessel (physical body) recalibrates to adjust to all the various Earth shifts, individual/collective healings & portal openings. There is a lot of photonic energies bathing the planet at this time. It can feel so strong sometimes that when we are new to this we may even feel like a visit to the allopathic hospital is upon us, only to realize that they found nothing when we checked in for a 3D scan.
Here is are many of the potential happenings we may experience & this is designed to make us aware that all is well in our reality as long as we are showing up to do the work (no spiritual bypassing). If we completely avoid the work, the physical discomforts may develop in the long run. This is prime creator or your higher self getting your attention, so you can ride the wave of majestic metamorphosis + these are divine gifts:
1: Electrical Zaps Via Central Heart Field :: making room for the heart to expand or to put our attention on spiritual matters of the heart
2: Increase Body Odor :: the great releasing of multidimensional toxins
3: Endocrine Disruptions :: the pineal & pituitary glands are decalcifying, opening to new codes while the forehead may shift physically, sexuality takes new forms + the 3rd eye antenna grows, thymus takes on roles as the higher heart with new seeds of immune system come online
4: Sleeping Ultra Longer :: this can happen over days or weeks periodically, this is to asborb more of the lightcodes & rewire the work done during dreamspace
5: Dizziness :: occurs mostly during power days/gateways/portal opening (eclipses, Lions Gate ect) or when we enter a toxic environment that has ultra high EMF/discordant lower vibrational living (our guide post that we are not compatible with these environments anymore)
6: Regurgitate Foods Right After Eating A Single Bite or Via Very Little Alcohol :: this is caused by your frequency changing & your body showing us the actual in-compatibility of the vibrations or to release lower vibrational foods from our reality.
7: Pure Water Intake Maximus :: this assist with absorbing all the lightcodes, flushes out the system & tonifies the nervous system + the body now requires more water to feel next level balanced=with increase oxygenation for prana flow to elevate, just can't seem to get enough water
8: Aches & Pains :: as we heal our quantum realities, many items may have been ignored for decades & as these dense energetics are worked on (emotions/etheric body/mental body ect) so they can rise to the surface to be healed: it can feel uncomfortable at the beginning
9: Sudden Drop In Mood (Depression Like) :: this enables us to do the shadow work, realizing the spell society is under & learning to surrender to the healing process, emotional body is going through a massive transformation, feeling like we don't have a soul's purpose or are sad we are not in alignment with it
10: Overloaded With Metaphysical Happenings :: this is the great quantum quickening & every speeds up, more synchronicities, every week feels like a portal is opening, flood gates of wisdom/healing come to surface, life patterns showing up intensely, gravitational challenges arise, can't stop seeing divine numerology everywhere, the matrix peels off it's layers, feeling auras more powerfully all can feel like too much is happening all at once
11: Body Temperature Fluctuations :: we may get very hot or cold suddenly, blood pressure changes, our body is learning to vibrate in new ways, healing of the bloodlines comes forth, may affect coordination or mental clarity, hot flashes as hormones shift or increases in kundalini flow in the spinal column
& so many more!
When we move through all of this, it does get easier & many of these ascension symptoms will dissipate or completely dissolve. Keep going through the metaphysical shifts, as alchemical transformation awaits. This is calling to lean into metaphysical practices, have a spiritual tool kit in our homes & removing chemicals/EMF from our living spaces will greatly assist. The more we avoid these symptoms, we can discover that the old programs cause more way more issues in our reality that the shorter run we have with ascension symptoms. The other side of this journey is filled with mystical alignment, clarity & far less dis-ease or if anything new comes up for advance starseeds or lightworkers: you can rest assured that it will be brief when compared to how long many experience it. Ascension symptoms do not completely go away forever in this plane of existence (at this juncture), they do however massive reduce in intensity or length or amount of times they appear.
‘Quantum Energetic Forecast’ :: Jan 1st 2025
:: New Solar Year Cycle - 1/11 - Capricorn Season ::
The Earthship keeps on generating or experiencing an incredible amount cosmic frequencies & monumental shifts that are preparing us for the eventual creation of New Earth + how to master our incarnational realities on this plane of existence.
This is all about spiritual actualization the temporal plane (3D). We have completed another full quantum rotation & solar year cycle. This is our sacred annual review, to offer us a road map to how we got to this now space. The multidimensional light will return once again & it's a fantastic opportunity to feel into the progress we have made + what cosmic adjustments can be added into the mix moving forward as the healing/activation work is never truly done as there is always maintenance to be administered so we don't fall back into the dreamspell once again. If you body wants sleep or inner solo time, lean into it. Honor what we require in this now space & release the guilt about having to show up in a certain way that others or society put the pressure on to show up in way that is not nurturing our being, as long as we are making sure we are engaged with our higher self.
Capricorn season is all about lessons & the step by step work required to work through them. The lesson could be as simple as learning to create a vision board for future manifestations, rewiring our divine food choices or diving deep into healing multidimensional timelines over countless generations. To finish each journey, we must take quest to see it through. This requires discipline, yet Capricorn is very practical in it's approach but my watch out from hiding from the emotion/feelings along the way. Simple & methodical approaches greatly assists us in simplifying our tasks. How many of us plan a new solar year cycle intention, then only be knocked off track a few weeks later. This is a cycle that wants to be recalibrated, as society has been doing this for far to long. Aspects of inner authority will come out to play & how we treat others when we have created something of monetary wealth that includes others working for us along the way. The soul wants us to look at positions of acquired power & see if we are utilizing it in harmonic ways or perhaps we feel a vocational shift coming at this time.
As the 1/11 gateway approaches, we may feel a pulse to rekindle our galactic self. This portal wants us to remember that we are multidimensional beings first & that our spiritual bodies play an important role in self awareness, healing & ascension activation. With it also comes doses of creative inspiration. We feel more alive & the spark to unleash our imaginal realms on to the environment around us. The key with this portal is to create something that raises the consciousness of the collective, is eco-cyclical, co-creates with spirit & serves a need in society that plugs into New Earth. Dreamspace can be amplified and so too is our extra sensory perceptions & abilities. The triple digits of 111 angel numbers holds codes to return to the soul while increasing the lightcodes + overall energies on planet Earth. The more we focus on this portal, the stronger it becomes. We may even feel like there are more etheric entities around us or close by. Ear tonalities come in abundance, while synchronicities arise in greater volume.
If there is something we want to release to be transmuted, this is the perfect opportunity. Make a list, hold sacred space for it & let the new revitalized higher self you take flight. How much longer are we going to hold onto something that is not working for us?
To build a new civilization & move from the lack mentality that permeates the collective, we must cleanse ourselves, so that no matter what we show up to, we are bringing our higher frequencies & not our lower unevolved selves. This month (especially the 1st half) is all about boundaries & restriction. If anyone experiences auto immune symptoms, this is a wonderful time to take advantage of slowing down, being methodical & doing one step at a time. Your being will thank you in powerful ways. Don't take everything so serious in the next few weeks, lean into cosmic laughter & cleanse your living space of synthetic chemicals to support the immune system.
Are you prepared to metaphysically activate & find harmonic equilibrium once again? You are the only one who can start this new cycle & the returning light of the new year is calling upon you in a powerful way. Are you deeply listening?