Derek Pennett

- Lightbody Technician, Reiki Master Teacher, Metaphysical Activator -

My Interstellar Journey

For the entirety of this incarnation, I have seen particles, energy waves, colors & vibration in everything. I hear sacred sounds, receive cosmic downloads from the akashic records & I have a deep connection with my templates of extra sensory perceptions + abilities.

~ I use a wide variety of metaphysical tools during my sessions-treatments, which may include:
5th Dimensional New Gaia Crystals, Sol System Tuning Forks, Eclipse-Pyramid Charged Vibrational Elixirs, Mudras, Sacred Oracle Cards, Palo Santo, Sacred Geometry Activations, Etheric Symbols & Other Cosmic Sound Healing Tools ~

*Born in 1981 - Active in my practice since 2016*

Are we a good fit?

Ready for total alchemical transformation or just beginning your awakening process?
Open to discussions about spirit guides & multidimensional living?
Feeling guided to shift your core root patterns?
Having supernatural experiences & are not sure how to integrate or understand them?
Is there any metaphysical energy based questions you seek answers for?
Looking to harmonize your well-being to the next octave?
Feeling different than the mainstream world & searching for spiritual clarity from a heart centered source?
Wanting to learn the modality of Reiki & become certified?
Repressed feelings/emotions now flooding out?
Curious about ascension, lightbody enhancements or accessing your akashic records?
Prepared to go deep into self-awareness, show up & do the work?
Are you a starseed or lightworker who requires a tune up but needs someone who can resonate on your level?

Is the soul wanting to know more about its multiverse, creative potential or wanting to deepen the intuitive connection?

Are you moving away from the allopathic system & searching for a full spectrum alignment of the bodies energy fields?

Do you feel you came here from another planet or had many past lives?

~ If you answered 'Yes' to any (or several) of these questions, then I think we would work very well together! ~

From the auric field, higher-self, spirit guides, 12-Strand DNA to full spectrum universal life force energy, I have you covered. You have landed in a vortex of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual
& harmonic well-being!

- In-Person or Distance Bookings Available -

In-Depth View: Treatments Sessions & Activations

:: Pricing, Session Lengths & Booking Info ::

Multidimensional Reiki, Theta Wave Reiki or Aura Scanning Treatments
(1hr 45mins, $222 each, Aura Scanning $188 1hr 30mins). Universal Life Force Energy Sessions
*In-Person or Long Distance*

Sacred Heart Tameana (Foundational :: Antahkarana :: Gaia Code) or Tameana Universal Hexagram Sessions
(Foundational & Universal Hexagram: 1hr 30mins, $188 each. Antahkarana & Gaia Code: 2hrs, $255 each). Ancient Star Medicine Modality
*In-Person or Long Distance*

Reiki Duo+ Full Spectrum Treatment or 2:2 Reiki Duo+
Reiki Duo+ (1hr 30mins, $333), 2 galactic practitioners at the same time :: 2:2 Reiki Duo+ (2hrs, $555), 2 galactic practitioners + you & another Earthling of your choice (2 treatment tables will be set up).
*In-Person or Long Distance*

Spirit-Metaphysical or Exit The Matrix Guidance Chats
(2hrs, $255 each), Decode a metaphysical topic(s) of your choice, spiritual multidimensional guidance-wisdom or how to see/navigate the overload of information about the corruption on Earth in regards to the deep state everything.
*In-Person or Online Video Chats*

Hua Tuo Jiaji 'Tuning Forks For The Stellar Spine'
(1hr, $155)
Planetary attuned tuning forks pass slowly down & up the entire spine.
*In-Person or Long Distance*

'Axiatonal Illumination Sequence'

Includes 3 sessions: Tameana Foundational (1hr 30mins), Tameana Antahtakrana (2hr) & Universal Hexagram (1hr 30mins)

'The Photonic Plasma Recalibrator'

Includes 3 treatments: Theta Wave Reiki (1hr 45mins), Multidimensional Reiki (1hr 45mins) & Aura Scanning (1.5hrs)

*In-Person or Distance :: 3 Sessions Each*

Majestically Spaced Out Every 4-6 weeks (spacing may shift depending on clients needs)

:: Session Types Can Be Custom Designed If Spirit Is Calling In The Moment ::


Advanced Lightworker Amplification

Pleiadian Star Code

(1hr 30mins, $188) :: Add On - session starts with a supersonic 30mins Guided Mediation-Activation (2hrs, $255)

For starseeds, lightworkers, luminaries or advanced beings who are deep in the ascension process or have experienced many sessions working with me + are ready to accelerate their metaphysical realms for total metamorphosis.

*In-Person or Distance*


:: Interstellar Spa Intensive ::


Sat & Sun :: 11 hrs Of Lightcodes & Etheric Frequencies :: @ The Star Temple :: In-Person Only


:: 12 Stages Of The Lightbody Codex ::

Solar Year Omega Intensive :: 12 months :: 12 sessions :: 2hrs each

+ Advanced Metaphysical Practices Between Sessions


*In-Person or Distance*

Reiki Certification Trainings

1st, 2nd, 3rd Degrees - Advanced Reiki Classes - Booster Packs (set up a training date)

*Become a practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher or learn a quantum healing modality you can use & take with you anywhere on planet Earth*

Astral Newsletter

Sign up to get a monthy ’ish astral newsletter, featuring upcoming events or Star Temple updates, metaphysical tools, ascension information, energy forecasts, wisdoms from the collective & so much more!

Contact, Bookings, Scheduling & Payments

Monday to Saturday: 11am - 7pm

E-Transfer (preferred) :: Debit-Credit (via PayPal) or Cash


*Call for a free 30mins curiosity chat*

The Star Temple

2020 (B) Douglas St

Victoria, BC

< Teleport Into The Star Temple & In-Depth Look At My Multidimensional Offerings >

Want to interview The Cosmic Messenger on your metaphysical video channel or spiritual podcast?

:: Did you know? ::

~ The effects of all my harmonic vibrational sessions last far beyond regular treatments. I host (co-create) a high level of universal life force energy through my being (multidimensional field coupling), you may feel the majestic activations-effects last for 4-6 weeks post sessions (some cases longer) ~


~ The Star Temple is (treatment room) is EMF protected using a Quantum Nano Layer 5G Bio-Shield. The treatment table features a multi-wave far infrared mat/PEMF Cycles/5-crystals infused/produces ultra-high amounts of negative ions & has copper coils for rebalancing the current & I offer Reverse-Osmosis Rose Quartz enhanced water to all of my clients for in person sessions ~

Curious to see what else I co-create & offer?

:: Exclusive Content via Monthly Subscription ::

~ One Stop Shops: Energy Encoded Artwork, Metaphysical Music, Oracle Deck ~

Cosmic Blogs, Quantum Video Channels, Photonic Key Codes & Galactic Affirmations

:: Facebook - Instagram - X (Twitter) ::

:: Testimonials ::

'I've known Derek for some years now and what I can say is that this man is such a special and unique soul with amazing talents and gifts. Derek shares his genius through Reiki, photography, digital collages and musical creations. As a healer, Derek is deeply intuitive.

He's able to access the different layers and levels of consciousness, sharing his insights and visions during the healing session. Animal spirits and spirit guides offering guidance are channeled by Derek, adding a richness and depth to the experience. And so accurate! Always the animals that Derek sees close to me during a session end up being so significant in my life for months afterwards.

His digital collages are stellar creations infused with light energy that can be used to activate consciousness. And if you haven't listened to his phenomenal album "The Photon Band & Multi-dimensional Living", check it out on Bandcamp. It's so fun and so highly inspiring. Derek is a modern day Renaissance Man. I highly recommend reaching out to Derek if you're looking for a high quality cosmic activation....either through his healing sessions, his art or his music.'


If you are looking to dive into the energetic realm, have questions about what you are feeling or seeing around you, have questions about auras, sacred geometry, chakras and more - Derek is the person! He has and continues to study, practices and teaches reiki among deeper layers of reality. Honestly, give him a call, I guarantee he will nudge you into accepting more of your higher truth!


The Reiki 1st Degree Certification training I took with Derek was top notch and I wholeheartedly recommend it! It has provided me with a strong foundation on my Reiki path. Derek's enthusiasm and skill as a Reiki Master Teacher shines through. His presence is very grounding and nurturing. I really appreciate all of the effort he put into the printed course materials as well. They are very informative and pleasing to my visual brain.

Thank you, Derek!


I recently had the privilege of receiving a Galactic Activation session from Derek Pennett. Never have I met anyone who is so highly attuned to otherworldly beings and who speaks my language. There are so few who have this level of experience and depth of knowledge.

If you have ever wondered about what is going on with you spiritually or who those beings that show up are, Derek will educate you without hesitation. He offers incredible information, confirmation, and validation regarding your experiences.

I am delighted. I have clarity and am even more deeply committed to the path that beckons me. The session included a plethora of healing modalities to assist with the process. What did I like best about it? Everything! Will I go back? Already booked in.

During these times, there has never been a greater need for us to do the work. Now is the time. Deep gratitude to you, Derek, for being the bearer of light on my path. Blessings.

M. F.

Derek is truly a master. 

He combines his galactic wisdom with concrete realities to keep things firmly grounded on Earth while accessing the healing of higher consciousness.  He answers every question thoughtfully, remembers what you tell him, and is truly here for your best health. 

If this type of treatment resonates with you, and you are curious, I would strongly suggest you visit Derek first.

Gauge L.

Derek has been treating me for back pain and  emotional trauma from a  recent separation. We have worked together for the last 6 months and I look forward to every treatment!  My back pain is easing, my mental health is improving, and with his guidance, I have had the confidence to take much needed time for myself.

I feel relaxed after each session, and his insights are amazing! Derek never rushes; he takes whatever time is needed to go through his notes after a session. He truly cares for his clients, and I would highly recommend his services.

Margo. M.

Upcoming Stellar Events & Divine Promos

Crystalline Workshops

Covering a wide range of stellar metaphysical topics.

Stream 24/7  ::  Available for Purchase

Bonus Galactic Content

Metaphysical Insights, Wisdoms & Intel From The Collective

"*Check back for new posts**

Cancellation & Payment Policies

:: Payments, Cancellations, Refunds & Rescheduling ::

~ Upon booking you will receive a confirmation email ~

1:1 Sessions:

Payments for 1:1 sessions are to be paid in full prior to the session start time & can made at any point in time from when it’s scheduled in. Advanced payments are greatly appreciated. If you need to cancel an appointment or reschedule, please do so at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled time. The full value of the booked service will be charged for no-shows or when less than 48 hour notice is given for cancellations or appointments schedule changes. For a full refund on all regular treatments, you have until 48-hrs prior to the session start time to receive a full refund. After this point you will no longer receive a refund. *Some exceptions apply*

Transformational Packages:

Payments for all packages are to be paid in full prior to the 1st session start time & can made at any point in time from when it’s scheduled in. Advanced payments are greatly appreciated. If you need to cancel/reschedule the package, please do so at least 48 hours in advance of your 1st scheduled time or the full value of the 1st session will be charged & the package will be cancelled (includes no-shows). When less than 48 hour notice is given for appointment schedule changes (or no-shows) for any sessions that occur after the 1st session, the full value for the session is charged & then the session is rebooked. For full refunds on packages, you have until 48 hours of your 1st session start time to receive a full refund. After this point you will no longer qualify for a refund, however the sessions are credited. *Some exception apply*
Reiki Certification Training
All payments for any Reiki Certification Training Degrees (even if all are booked at once) must be paid in full within 48hrs of booking to secure your spot. If no payment has been received within 48hrs, the time slot becomes open to the public & you will need to reschedule a new training date if it's not available at time of re-booking.

For all Reiki Certification + Advanced Reiki Courses there are no refunds, however you will be credited for the classes you signed up for as long as they are used within a 2 year window from when the payment was received. For all rescheduling you must give at least 7 days notice (prior to the original training date). If at least 7 days are not given, an additional payment of 50% of the total cost of the class is required to re-book. If for some reason another rescheduling is required, at least 7 days notice prior to the next scheduled training date must be given.

This ensures that the time to put together & prepare these sacred classes is honored!


*Clients are responsible to keep track of bookings, timelines & payments after initial booking is scheduled. If you need a reminder please reach out, I will gladly assist you during my hours of operation. It is to be noted that there are no auto session reminders sent out at this time. Responses to any inquiries/messages will be done within a 72hrs window during my hours of operation. I do try to respond as quickly as possible & generally responses experience a quick turn around time.*

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